Cant click names in chat anymore on exalt


when i try to right click names in exalt it doesn’t work anymore, why?

i swear this update just keeps getting worse and worse, whats the point of changing this deca? jfc


ctrl + click instead

u can also change ur “contextual interact” key in options but sadly no more right click to open


christ, whats the point of this change lmao? nobody asked for it ever

anyway thanks bud


Don’t know. Don’t ask.

-Deca games, probably


It’s because big brained devs decided to make ability right click, and then people complained they were using ability when they clicked peoples names.


To be fair, right-clicking makes a lot of abilities easier to do (except for Prisms which can kill you if you misclick, and anything that has an on-hold feature)


Huh, I almost immediately switched it back to the spacebar. It’s having my nexus as the left ctrl button previously that’s messing some exalt features for me. I didn’t realize that people liked the right click as a activation for the most part!


I assumed that pretty much everyone who played before exalt would change it back to spacebar, simply because that’s what they’re used to.

I like the ctrl+click but what really irks me about it is that there’s no way to change it back, even if it doesn’t affect me personally too much. You can’t just set it to right click anymore iirc, which is what most people are used to, like with spacebar for ability use.


I just have my ability on Space, interact on right click, and Shift for chat interacting. Makes life easier for me, since I don’t have to do that ridiculous Left Control stretch.


A lot of my friends that I shared realm with are pretty glad about the right-click since they’re used to being able to utilize it in other games. I think it’s a good default option. I just wish on-hold abilities can be put on other buttons separately but that seems unlikely.


I’m using the workaround of changing ctrl+click to rightclick+click, similar enough to get used to, even though for now I’m slower than I used to be teleporting to people in chat.

Making something you do all the time like tping to callouts require an extra button press is a pretty significant downgrade. I’d like it if they gave the option of making it just be right click again.


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