Carved Golem Remains Sprite Change


I noticed the the Carved Golem Remains dagger had a Sprite change . Why? It’s sprite before looked like a sword which made sense because of the increased range. Now it just looks like a crappy dagger with a huge blade guard lol. I think it should be reverted.


Uh. You’re kidding right? They changed that sprite ages ago kid. Get with it.


But swords have less range than daggers…


Considering it’s a LH item I dont really see it very often lol. Also I noticed awhile back but just decided to make a post about it.


Yea you’re right. I just like to picture the game from a more realistic perspective, like you’re not gonna have an unlimited amount of daggers to be throwing so it’d be a melee weapon. I had this idea of the carved Golem remains being like a shortsword . Even when you wear the full set it doesn’t look like a small dagger . It looks like a shortsword.


Because Deca felt like it.

This post is pointless.


take a chill pill bro.


i totally agree. i think it looks really ugly now, being a toy looking dagger rather than a heavy and unwieldy short sword.


Why so much hostility man ? Lol Im just trying to have a discussion.


Now this is a guy I can talk too. Exactly my point. Before it was a heavy, dull blade. Not it’s just odd-looking . Dagger that wouldn’t look right in a real setting.


Can I see a juxtaposition of the old and new sprite?


Old: image


I like new better


Eh, to each his own.


New - N = Ew


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