Change how dungeon counter works


I feel like the “Use the realm portal after finishing the dungeon to get the number in” thing is really pointless. Specially in a time like MoTMG when there are hundreds of dungeons getting chained, we need to change how it works to know exactly how much dungeons we’ve done so we can know fully how much time we have wasted.
My idea is really simple;
For example, when in a cem, you get +1 cems done when you kill the Ghost Of Skul, in a Shatters you get +1 when you kill The Forgotten King etc. you get the idea.

What do you think?


ohh, I didn’t know it works like that. Great idea


But you haven’t completed the dungeon if you didn’t go through the exit. :stuck_out_tongue:

I get your point though.
There is always the minutes active stat to assist in knowing how much time we’ve spent playing but that’s not as nice as seeing the dungeons done stat go up.

I’ve always put it down as part of the price of having the benefits of a private dungeon chain, you don’t get the complete. If you care about the completes, you can reopen each time (I try to get guildies to do this). If you care more about keeping the exclusivity you miss out on a +1.

The idea you make to count boss kills isn’t simple in practice.
The game awards a kill if you do the kill shot, and XP to who is nearby - but what if you aren’t close enough when the boss dies. If you just ran away to recover you’d be unfairly denied a complete. Not saying it couldn’t be done, but it would require code of every dungeon boss to have their own personalised kill and assist stats, which would like… treble?/quadruple? the amount of info being stored on each character data, I don’t know if that’s a good thing for lag/loadtimes. And even then what if you purely healed and did no dmg, or cleared throughout the dungeon but missed hitting the boss - you still deserve a complete for helping.

Maybe it’d be more feasible to get the game to recognise the dungeon is a chain, eg. popping a key near an exit portal somehow alters the new dungeon to be an “OT2” instead of just plain “OT”. Then it could award +2 from its exit portal. (Chains could also perhaps increase difficulty & loot chances? Maybe too p2w.)


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