Changed Dominion Armor


As it currently is, the shades of Red and Gold clash with each other very hard, and in my opinion it’s very hard to see the two easy when they’re next to each other.

So, I made my own version!

Dominion Change

It’s still red, but the shades are much different to allow it to be looked at much easier. Nothing much else to say.


Prefer the current sprite.


It’s just a matter of preference, I suppose. :man_shrugging:


I prefer the current sprite as well

Here is a poll

  • prefer the current
  • prefer this one
  • prefer a change but not this one

0 voters


i can’t tell the difference


More prominent shade of lighter red
Looks really weird to me


image vs Dominion Change

The shades are just a bit darker so they don’t clash with the gold as much.



still can’t see a difference, might be my eyes

i guess it looks neat


That looks incredibly similar to the Darza dominion top armor


I wouldn’t call it a new version per say, but it’s a good tweak. Like how they changed the ring color for unbounds, easier on the eyes


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