Changes I'd like to see reverted once the Unity Client is out


Not exactly. This is Deca clarification on reddit: “Not confirmed no, as explained below we are investigating how we can support full-screen and higher resolutions without affecting gameplay (i.e. increasing viewing distance).”

Fullscreen yes but not larger field-of-vision.

And most hackers use clients for fullscreen and autonexus despite many claiming its for reducing lags… though I don’t think many of them will quit even if there is no hack.


I was under the impression we will get both, which will be toggle-able. Maybe I’m wrong

I’ve heard people use both reasons. To be honest it doesn’t really matter. If someone can’t play without autonexus they shouldn’t play at all :joy:

With the unity client it looks like we’ll get fullscreen and lag reduction so that’s nice


Looks like full screen to me. 0:40 notice how before 0.07 the previous alpha versions feature the 4:3 ratio we know and after that the game has fullscreen HD support


Don’t you also miss hosting drop parties in the nexus and having a massive amount of people following you just so you drop a t5 health ring and everyone shouting “YAY!!!”? Me too.

The reason this annoys me so much is because it goes to waste and I don’t like to waste stuff others could use. Plenty of times I’ve given people items and I see them the next day with some stats maxed and they blame me for it, even though it’s not true, it makes them think they can so they do. :stuck_out_tongue:


Uhh, what? I thought they were SB, not UNSB


if deca loses players… the lose $ from haxors who pay, and most of the community are haxors.


I’d be down for removing the unnamed system entirely, it’s simply not needed at this point.

as for wanting to play anonymously, I’m a firm believer that it’s a fair price to pay in order to be able to report people who genuinely need to get banned.


You utterly misunderstand the situation with duping, and how Unity might “fix” it.

First: as far as I know duping is not possible, and hasn’t been for a while. But this could change, especially with Unity which will surely have new bugs and be pulled apart by hackers looking for exploits. Unity will make no difference, can only make things worse.

Second: the only real fix for duping is item IDs. Give every item a unique ID on creation, so duplicates can be easily spotted. The problem with that is it would be a massive undertaking as every time an item is picked up, traded and used its ID needs to be tracked. It would make the game more expensive to run, with the extra storage requirements. And it would likely cause problems as glitches in it e.g. caused trades to fail, or even worse items to disappear.

Third: even if all of the above is resolved, or if they decide they simply don’t care about future possible duping, lifting SB restrictions would be of most benefit to the worst people in ROTMG: past dupers who have stores of cloned UTs, and real world traders who would suddenly be able to offer genuinely desirable items and sets.

Because dupers and RWT would benefit most they would have even more incentive to do their thing, to hack the game to discover more exploits and to even more aggressively spam players about their stores. The game would get much worse for ordinary players who just want to play the game, not dupe or engage in RWT.


Duping is still currently possible in the game. It has not been completely patched out of the game. Duping has to do with the server side of realm, and nothing with the client. Neither flash player or Unity has anything to do with the duplication of items. Some methods of duping were patched, but there still methods that are used. Changing the client’s technology (on its own) won’t fix the problems the server has, at least not without DECA spending the time to make sure all of the server’s vulnerabilities and exploits are fixed as well.

MSeller AMA
Wildshadow AMA
MSeller AMA 2

You’re partly correct. That is one implementation of an item tracking system, but realm wasn’t the only game with this issue, and historically speaking there have been numerous ways developers have fought item duplication. If the developers were to rework the C++ responsible for inventory, I don’t see the need for such a system to be implemented.

If duping is resolved, the economy would sort itself out. Most of the existing duped UTs are no longer in circulation due to account migrations, and after some time death would equalize any influx of items. In a market where duping is fixed, duped items become scarce after some time, due to it’s initial drop in price followed by eventual equilibrium.

If duping was fixed… you’re trying to tell me that they would benefit the most? Any changes made to the server side of the game, the part responsible for duping in the first place, the part that is not public to the playerbase, cannot be hacked in the traditional sense. Client hacks are only possible because of packet manipulation and access to the client code, but the server code, the game states and logic on DECA’s servers… that is practically unreachable by the average script kiddie. You would have to actually hack into the game servers, or physically access the servers to view the updated server code. And that, is no small task, and certainly not something a proper hacker would do.


But server side fixes are not happening. The only thing that is changing is the client, and that is going to deal with items exactly the same way, for compatibility reasons.

Could they fix it on the servers? In theory, yes. But it would be a massive undertaking. No part of the code would be untouched as items are key to every aspect of the game, when fighting, when collecting loot from bags, when maxing, when trading, when collecting shards/whatever for some purpose.

It would significantly increase the size and so cost of the game data. Not only would the storage for each player increase, as instead of three def pots you would have three pots with IDs X, Y and Z, say. But it would need a database of all the items, to validate against . As most of the data storage for the game is items (see e.g. the data Muledump returns) this extra storage would be significant and have a significant cost.

And it would introduce new bugs. Now if e.g. an item appears in two places it must create two items. Or at least that must be happening somewhere, sometimes for duping to work. With IDs it will be able to delete duplicates, but how will it now which is the duplicate? What if someone does something which inadvertently duplicates, or gives and object the same ID as another? Can it just delete the object?

So we get items being suddenly deleted, from users inventories and vaults, without explanation. Or if the type of object does not match the type in the database with this ID its type gets changed, from a valuable item to a def pot, say. Whatever action the game can take to ‘fix’ things, to deal with duplicates it identifies, has the potential to really mess things up if there are still bugs in the code of the sort that make duping possible.

Fact is, if object IDs made sense for the game, it would happened by now. It is not tied to Flash or Unity, and would mostly happen on the servers. Now is the wrong time to do it, as the needs of the Unity port rule out any major changes to the game logic or servers. Once Unity is out it will hopefully be harder to hack, and so harder for use for duping, so an item ID system might make even less sense.


I would want them to soulbound all items currently in the game

Then readd all items that were tradeable as tradeable counterparts and reduce their drop rates a lot. Because the economy right now is just ridicilous

Or release it as ROTMG 2 where everything has been wiped


Data storage is cheap, like real cheap these days. The entire realm database is less than 1TB anyway.

But yeah backends are always nasty to deal, especially ones filled with buggy legacy code.


It would probably increase that by a few TB. Right now for each item it needs to store a number. The contents of your chests, gift chests, inventories are just lists of numbers. Shorts, so 2 bytes each. If you associated a unique ID with each item you would need at least an extra 4 bytes, so tripling the storage requirement to 3TB say. Then there’s the database of items, where it tracks e.g. which has been allocated. This would need at least as much storage, so another 3TB.

It has to be replicated, across all servers, i.e. geographic locations. at least. And it needs additional code to manage it, to carry out the checks that ensure it is accurate and e.g. duplicate free.

I don’t know how much it costs to run ROTMG. But the fixed costs, associated with running the servers, are among the most significant of any network/multiplayer game.


Didn’t notice that, thanks for pointing it out.

the screen does expand out by a bit more than normal, but it isn’t nearly as much as fullscreen hacks give.


Let’s say 10 TB replicated 50 times. Only 500TB, and code takes up very little space. For a game the storage cost is almost always negligible compared to the cost of actually running the servers.


I think this is probably the most sensitive of the points you raised.
Most of these are related much more to “temporary” fixes, and are fairly trivial (to a certain degree).

But this is an issue. If all STs were to be tradable (non-SB), then there’d either be duping (lest it be fixed), or players complaining how you can buy something you should grind for, essentially removing any challenge they gave (though, to be fair, it’s RNG you’re fighting. Not really all that fair).
If all STs were to be untradable, there’d be an outcry of traders who now have chests stocked with STs previously used as currency, as well as players saying that it turns STs into (bad-) UTs(-on-their-own-but-sometimes-decent-when-combined).

There really is no utilitarian solution for this, is there .n.


Just to chip in that I heard (no source, so take it as you will) one of the reasons for making high tier dropped items be in SB bags was because people were putting in support tickets complaining that “I dropped my item and someone stole it”.

And there was a time when loot bots in the nexus were programmed to snatch anything valuable dropped, so could have been in with that.

Also autolooting clients made drop parties not worth running (personally speaking) since the hackers would get the items, and drive other players to seek out the hack client to compete with them.

Just nexus if you need to afk, or play with a group you can trust to protect you. Or beach afk with fire toggled on (almost nothing can now be dragged to beach), or get a pet with attack, or go in a solo dungeon and clear a couple of rooms.

Pause+lootpot is the worst combo. If pause was allowed in the realm players would fire off their loot pot, then beachleech until some desirable event spawned, unpause for the double whitebag %, then back to beach and pause leech some more. Maybe the solution is to make lootpot continue ticking when paused, but without that, the exploit negatives outweigh the convenience of pause way too much.


Maybe introduce a 90 second tp cool down similar to server change cool down for /pause.


on any of my accounts if only found two, after weeks of gland farming and dungeons


I never stated that server side fixes were occurring, anywhere in my response. It’s as if you just skipped my first response to you.

Dude, you’re the bloke who brought up the ID system in the first place! And your series of hypothetical questions regarding it are not representative of how the programming would operating in a standard implementation of such a system.

Again, I will reiterate my second response. There are numerous methods to prevent item duplication in mmo’s, and item ID’s are just one of many solutions. There already exists code on the server that validates items being spawned in from say, cheat engine. That was implemented a very long time ago.

To patch out duping, all you need to do is validate the authenticity of the packets coming back from the client before and after a server crash. When the server starts to experience strain, it could take a snapshot of every player’s inventory and store that temporarily. If the server crashes, that information would be saved, otherwise it would be reallocated back into memory. When players log back into the server, their inventory can be checked against their inventory before the crash for duplicated items, and then subsequently their inventories would be restored to the previous snapshot. This wouldn’t punish people who were trying to duplicate, but it would prevent false positives getting caught up in say, ban appeals. After they reconnect to the server, their snapshot is reallocated back into memory. This prevents duplication after staying logged out after a long time to try to reset the system. The amount of data stored for each player in such a system would be no more than a few hundred bytes, or the equivalence of 12 - 20 inventory spots, stored most likely in an xml along with the rest of their player data.


Exactly! My demands are same :ok_hand:t6:
But multiboxing was fixed cause Deca made non tp unnameds and they started banning them so multibox will remain as problem dude :slight_smile:
And to those who think hacking will be almost impossible : ur W R O N G cause on unity it will be even more possible to make new hacks cause code of flash is limited and this is problem of duping, making multiboxing impossible and remember that Adobe is not supporting Projector anymore they’re just updating reported bugfixes(i think april fools are everyday for them #flashprojector18)
so this is all of me :blush: