Changing the Loot Tier Description


This is the current loot tier potion description:
When I first started out the game, I thought that items that drop while using the potion would be increased in tier (ex. t9 sword drop becomes t12), and never knew that it only can add tiers that the drop table of what you are killing.

I suggest changing the description to:
A potion that boosts the tier level of dropped loot. This supports up to 3 extra tiers, however, the maximum tier of an item an enemy can drop is not affected. Lasts 30 minutes.

This would be much less confusing for newer players and would be an easy fix that I think much of the player base would agree upon.


Shouldn’t this be in ideas? Also thanks for clarifying because I never knew until now sexyman129


I say no. That would mean that tops can drop in the glands


I think the point is that the current description makes it seem like you could get tops from G lands, but that’s actually impossible with the way that loot drops work. The new description makes it more clear that it only boosts tiers up to the max tier droppable by the monster. For example, even if you use the tier potion at O2 you can’t get LH tops. I really like this description change, makes it much more clear.


oh lol i thought he meant changing the item to match the description, not vice versa.
:ok_hand: i agree


Scam the new players!

FR though, a good friend used to tell me circa 2013: “the optimal way to get rich is buy cem keys and loot drops to get tops”. I believed that for half a year.


It’s fine as it is. If you use intuition then you realize that you can’t get tiers of items higher than the drop table. This new description feels clunky.


I understand what you mean about the new description being clunky, but the current one is way worse IMO. Clearly the current description not intuitive because a bunch of people on this thread stated that they were very confused by it. I don’t think the new one is perfect, but it’s definitely more clear.


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