Christmas Thread (profile pictures too?)


or change the hood of the cultist to a santa hat


Ok but how?


change some of the top black pixels to red and then add a white pixel at the end, like a hat


I kinda want to change it to a cookie cause I’m a little tired of this. It I’m not to experienced.


What platform to edit it would I use?


MS paint.
Something like this @Ecookied

Also @Scorchmist


Bah humbug

<< Too lazy to do it this year >>


I’ll do you one better



I made you one lol

or more true to the original skin image


You guys like my santa hat?


Beautiful :star2::ok_hand:


what the hell…

I’ll guess ill go with redox’s… although its too festive


I’ll do one for you…if you want? :smile:


oh fuck why would you tell people about this


We must share our pain


this is not a communistic society.
It is a relic of the past, something to be seen, but not to be repeated.


You sure about that?


and thus the redox plague was born


same picture as last year. i didn’t change it


Thanks! Could you make a cookie with Christmas hat? Also u want a life?