Cland dungeon stats bugg



I wanted to know why does the Candyland Hunting Grounds (Cland) doesn’t count ur entry in the Dungeon statistics ?

I did at least 10 Cland, killed many bosses et exit via realm portal and its still at 0.
Is it a bugg? it it possible to fix it ?


Candyland completions not displaying on stats screen

A dungeon is counted as complete once you use the exit portal after the boss of the dungeon dies, but Candyland doesn’t have that portal, it only has a portal of cowardice.


There is no way to count cland completion
So I don’t know why they even bothered putting in the counter


yeah but its not necessary for tunnel rat, so I wouldn’t really pay any attention to it


you can’t complete a cland. in order to do that, you need a realm portal. you don’t get those in clands, just a cowardice portal.


why the fck deca put it there… its useless lol if we can’t count the entry lol


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