Clash Royale Thread


exact same here




as a giant graveyard player i still like bming and losing





Exactly :sunglasses:


I’m so bad lol. I wasted 30$ back when i still had $$$(bankrupt now ;( ) and im still stuck in jungle </3


u shouldve bought realm gold xd


xd but i only had th emoney in gogoe play :C


anybody wana exchange friend links xd


I’ve started playing recently because my cousin urged me to, but I’m pretty bad at it :joy:


just hit 3434 trophies :smiley:


lol; I quit playing becuase I sucked xd

(and also I suck at english too; it’s my lowest grade at a solid 93.5)


quiet laughing in the background



(I actually kinda suck at it though)


yey a cr thread. Im bad tho, 3.3k with some trash decks. Send me friend invites pls.


im at 2.6, can’t get higher D:


just use meta decks, ask for the troops in said decks

should take you like 2 weeks at most to push into the next arena


Unless if your name is TROLLDLLR


i just use my overleveld mirror