Clash Royale Thread


You’re willing to spend 9 elixir for a 5 elixir card?


when it gets to ur side of the field, tornado in the middle so both towers lock onto the balloon, should take care of it without you having to use the rocket


If I can hit the hound and mega minion yea y not

only if i have inferno already planted

The hound blocks all shots


i was arena 10 at 32 hundred thinking everyone was a realmaholic then i read a few and now i feel like a noob


if u want my tag here (dont judge me)
i started on january 1 7017 btw


Do you mean 2017?


Hovering at 4.4k, highest 4.6k. Deck:
Tower Level (11)
Hog (9)
Tornado (4)
Skeleton (9)
Ice Spirit (10)
Log (2)
Knight (11)
Executioner (5)
Lightning (5)


Disgusting. Use baby dragon


Baby dragon is terrible


Nice one!

But if you are actually serious, baby dragon provides splash damage, so it’s good for a push when paired with a tanker, it’s the best counter to graveyard, a very popular card, it has sufficient health, and it’s damage isn’t bad if you’ve got it at a high level. Oh, and don’t forget that it can hit both ground and air, which makes it good in every aspect (except maybe speed). Oh yeah, all that for only 4 elixir. I think we’ve got a card that desperately needs a nerf.


Oh, and this is our decks when I have a clan mate to battle with.

Poison (4)
Graveyard (5)
Log (2)
Baby Dragon (4)
Bowler (5)
Ice Sprit (1)
Ice Golem (2)
Furnace (4)

Clan mate:
Freeze (4)
Graveyard (5)
Zap (2)
Inferno Tower (5)
Goblin Gang (3)
Executioner (5)
Skeletons (1)
Ice Spirit (1)

When we’ve got poison+graveyard and freeze+graveyard in hand, it’s unstoppable. Pretty costly, but even if the opponent’s have the perfect counter, the poison will do damage while the double graveyard will at least do some damage. Otherwise, the tower is done.



It’s not
Valk or Minions (and by extention, minion horde) are the Best counters


arrows are wayyyyyy better


It’s either a worse wizard or a worse valkrie. I can’t think of ANY sitiaution where a wizard or valk wouldn’t be better.


Are you kidding me? Poison is the way to go. Also archers, and overleveled ice wizards work well too


I face people higher level than me by at least 2-3
Poison aint working
I don’t use archers.
And … well… overleveld ice wiz doesn’t work


What kind of overlevled deck are you using


lv 8 standard except for arrows. and a lv 2 ele wiz

(I’m lv 8 hovering around 3050)


lmao you guys are too lucky im still level 7 in royal with overleveled cards
help me level pls


what happened to skarmies