Class Concept: The Juggernaut (Unoriginal Name A), New Buff: Vacuum


Thanks for giving this a peek! This is an idea me and my friend came up with years ago for a game we wanted to develop ourselves, but time and, well, responsibility never allowed for such a project. Nonetheless, the concept fits well into ROTMG, and it was tweaked slightly to fit the style. This is early and rough, and any feedback is appreciated! It’s well overdue we get a new class, and I feel we need a supportive based one for the rising of difficult and end game content. I propose:

The Juggernaut

(NOTICE: I could use help animating the sprite, I am no good at animating, please keep the color scheme if you do. I will give you credit. Thanks!)

A character based off support and saving your allies. The juggernauts function is exactly what the name entails, eating damage. His ability allows him invulnerability of varying duration according to tier to run in and take fire whilst also providing a vacuum effect for bullets (draws them towards the player). After invulnerability wears off, he has heavy armor after the duration of invulnerability. The cost of using this? You are blinded (the idea that you shell up) and slowed. The ability also gives an HP buff to compensate for the slowing as to give you time to escape if needed. The hp buff is active the entire time of the ability’s lifespan.


55 ATT 75DEF 35SPD 55DEX 65VIT 40WIS, 900HP, 200MP

To make him semi-viable for getting loot, he gets a bump of 5 in each stat off ATT&DEX.

His sole purpose is to eat damage for the team, he is by no means a one man army as your ability leaves you vulnerable to anything dangerous. The DEF comes with a downside: You are slow. Juggernauts by definition are big and slow, that’s exactly what this class will be.

The ability sounds broken, right? Well it has cooldown. To prevent the spamming of the buffs, the ability will have a cooldown after the ability lifespan ends. That way you can’t just sit on enemies and hoard SB damage. Keep in mind, 35spd + will limit the exploit-ability of such an ability.

Stat bonuses that come with the abilities:


The abilitys adds a new buff applicable only to the Juggernaut: Vaccuum

Vaccuum - The player becomes a magnet to any enemy projectile within the tile range of effect, allowing you to either drag bullets or eat the damage. To prevent griefing of other players, the bullets cannot hit allies while in effect and will disappear as soon as it wears off. Keep in mind, the jugg is slow, you cannot drag with the amount of speed you have.

He gets a slight added amount of att to help for SB, def because he’s a juggernaut, and vit for some HP regen. The last three tiers give some HP.

His ability item: Wards

Wards: Anceint technology given to only the most prominent and sturdy royal guards. Only those skilled and strong enough can even activate the wards without being crushed by the weight of the otherwordly force field.

(Forewarning: The images are cropped terribly, my bad, not good at it)

T0: Chipped Ward - A ward with obvious age and use. Although its rusted and the tech is barely functioning, it still can still put out a weak ward.

.5s of invulnerability, 2s of armored/+HP on self, 2.5s Slowed, 50MP cost, 5s Cooldown

T1: Ancient Ward - Experimental wards first handed out the original royal guards. They are certainly experimental.

.5s of invulnerability, 3s of armored/+HP on self, 3.5s Slowed, 55MP cost, 4.5s Cooldown

+1 ATT, +1DEF, +1 VIT

T2: Earthen Ward - A ward composed of the power of earth itself. Upon use, the user will be sheathed in a sturdy ward of rock, metals, and minerals.

1s of invulnerability, 3.5s of armored/+HP on self, 4.5s Slowed and Blind, 65MP cost, 4s Cooldown

Within 2 sqrs: Vacuum

+1 ATT, +2 DEF, +2VIT

T3: Holy Water Ward - A ward created eons ago by high priests that harness the cleansing power of holy water. Upon use, the user will be surrounded by swirling, vigorous streams of holy water while being covered in impenetrable ice. Anything that as much skims the water will instantly purified and eliminated.

1s of invulnerability, 4s of armored/+HP on self, 5s Slowed and Blind, 75MP Cost, 3.5s cooldown

Within 2.5 sqrs: Vacuum

+2 ATT, +2DEF, +2VIT

T4: Abyssal Ward - A ward comprised of abyssal rock and magma in the great mountains of the gods. Blessed by the gods that roam the mountains, the user will be encased in molten rock whilst inside a bubble of magma, obliterating any attack that is unfortunate enough to touch it.

1.5s of invlunerability, 5s of armored/+HP on self, 6.5s Slowed and Blind, 85 MP Cost, 3s Cooldown

Within 3sqrs, Vacuum

+3 ATT, +3 DEF, +4VIT, +50HP

T5: Ward of Swift Winds - A ward that harnesses the very essence of wind. Forged in the long forgotten deep chasms where wind blows mercilessly, the user becomes enveloped in winds of unmeasurable speeds. Any form of attack is useless while the winds rage, as anything that comes near it will be violently reflected.

2s of invlunerability, 5.5s of armored/6.5s of +HP on self, 7s Slowed and Blind, 95 MP Cost, 2s Cooldown

Within 3.5sqrs: Vacuum

+4ATT, +4DEF, +4VIT, +75HP

T6: Ward of Elemental Four - A ward created by the original four royal guards, it combines the power of each of the elemental prowess they possessed. Upon the creation, it was sealed away in halls that have been long forgotten. Whoever possesses such power is an unconquerable bulwark, as the user becomes tangled in an enravlement of the four elements. One cannot even see whom resides in the bubble of pure elemental energy while in use.

3s of Invulnerability, 6.5s of Armored, 7.5s of +HP on self, 8s Slowed and Blind, 110MP Cost, 1.5s Cooldown

Within 4.5sqrs: Vaccuum

+4 ATT, +5DEF, +6VIT, +100HP

UT: Timewarp Ward: A ward devised in the shattered kingdom before the shattering. The power was deemed to immense for standard issue and was locked away deep within the kingdom post shattering. The user is able to warp time itself, effectively freezing enemies in an alternate dimension for a brief time.

(no sprite yet, sorry)

Drops from: Forgotten King

+10SPD, -15DEF, -100HP

Armored 8s, Speedy 4s, Blind 8s, 200 MP Cost, 2s cooldown

Within 2sqrs: Stasis for 2s

Gallery of the Sprites (might need rework, I’m not the best at this, all are supposed to represent the visor of the helmets of the four royal guards mentioned in the description):

That’s the idea! It’s a rough concept, and I’m glad to take any at all criticism. I tried to apply situations in game before splurging out stats and durations/cost of ability. I’m open to hear what you all have to say! Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


not bad, not bad at all


the sprite looks good


Class is not bad, but u weren’t kidding when u said that ur Sprite needs help.


Love the idea but I think the blind running out when the invulnerability runs out will be good and giving yourself the slow for the same time you proposed. Overall great class


Mind if I post these? Sorry…
###Jugg Sprite

Edit; I’ll be coming with the idea review soon, hold up!


Erm… by how much?

Edit3: while you’re at it, why do you think that low speed is a good balance to the tankiness of 75 def? Especially with armored thrown in at a hat’s drop with the ability? How will this class perform against armor-pierce situations? Quite a lot of dungeons nowadays are balanced around at least 40 spd… Will this class be useful for places with piercing bullets?


Knight said who are you
Juggernaut said i am your farther


This looks EXTREMELY overpowered, 75 def plus invulnerability and armoured? Jesus Christ fr this guy would have 150 base def after the invulnerability wears off. I get that the slowed makes it where you can’t get out of places fast, but who needs to escape when you can literally eat any shots that come your way. I do like the sprite tho, and personally I’d love it as a warrior skin.


See? It just looks like a pile of shit, literally.


The t0 one


Sir, slow just turns your speed to 4 t/second, regardless of your speed previously.

I suppose my suggestion is this; try to balance the class without the use of negative effects on the abilities. Pull back the things that make it OP.

Also, how about piercing attacks? For example, how useful would this class be on a tomb fight, where almost everything pierces?

If you want a tanking class, I believe a good reference is the dragon tamer’s helm. Take it with a grain of salt, though; I’ve never used one proper.


with this much def, it would be very easy to play and hard to max. Who the hell would play knight anymore with this as the tankiest class in game? not to mention shields are good as useless now…


I would honestly just call the ability Taunt or War Cry instead of vacuum


Badly broken in a number of ways. Way way too OP. Just the base 75 def is ridiculous, with gear it would have close to 100 def, and be able to tank pretty much everything.

And that’s before you include the invulnerability + armoured. These are only available now with incredibly rare UTs for a reason, as they are gamebreakingly OP. Giving both to a class on their default ability item is ridiculous.

Now, you clearly know this is OP as you’ve given the class flaws to compensate. But these too are way too much. Being slowed and blinded whenever you use your ability, so you are effectively slowed and blinded most of the time, would be no fun at all. Even worse with a base speed of 35 the class would be unusable in many circumstances – rushing past enemies in Shatters or a Wine Cellar for example – and no fun even when not using your ability.

Finally the ability is interesting, though arguably also gamebreaking; it would certainly be exploitable. But it would be impossible to implement, given the game’s architecture.


Actually you can only reduce damage by 85%. Also guys, you have to take into consideration that all the recent dungeons have been not melee friendly, with lots of the enemies doing armor piercing or armor breaking. So I would say this class is very poor in the high level dungeons. The debuffs are also too much, making it pretty much impossible to play on this class.


I do like the idea of a class being able to give different rings a little bit more love. But wouldn’t people go for the hp ring anyway just to boost their health through the roof?


In path of exile the juggernaut specialization negates any slows and are quite fast compared to other classes.


@TheASDFguy and you think vacuum is better my word boy you are dense


This class seems like an Admin class.

Yes, you are one of the tankiest classes in the game.

Yes, you can out tank a paladin or knight and even a warrior with jugg.

Yes, you have a terrible chance of dying with at least one healing class behind you.

Yes, you work well with pretty much anything except rogue for obvious reasons…

…But you can’t move.

Simply put, this class needs a serious rework. That’s what you’re probably aiming for though.

My thoughts:

Blind is one of the most pointless status effects on something that literally plans to tank damage. Let’s not forget that Blind is essentially useless in the process of getting someone killed because a high-brightness screen will counter it.

You should change it to Darkness maybe? Make it more like these guys need to run into danger without knowing what’s ahead.

Speed needs to be set at 50. Just needs to be. All classes must be able to reach a boss in a set time, with no classes lagging behind. Also, all classes need to be able to maneuver efficiently and run away from end-game enemies with ease.


Just because you are tough doesn’t mean you cannot “Fear the Halls!”, amirite?

Defense should be set to 40. This class should operate like a Paladin with Oreo at all times with some benefits to separate it from the pack and make it “unique”.

To “vacuum” bullets out of harm’s way for allies seems overpowered. If you drag away a full O2 shotgun without any help you are getting banned for hacking. If you tank an ice sphere for 3 seconds and sit on it afterwards, you are getting banned for hacking.

This class shouldn’t be built around taking the brunt of an attack and waiting for a priest to heal you. That just makes it simple and a class to be spammed.

Invulnerability needs to be dropped a few SECONDS. It’s way too high in the later tiers, making it easy to walk through godwalls and type “kiss my A.S.S.” before nexusing.

Also, bosses have lasers now. This class makes those lasers… laser pointers. A harmless distraction…

This class needs to be rewarded for tanking bravely with a cooldown high enough to keep it away from an Oryx2 shotgun for at least a few seconds. The class can’t just act like a Trickster decoy. Ruins the point of the new Prism: Brain of the Golem.

This idea is amazing though. Thanks for sharing. Hope to see this in-game one day.


With your 150 base def you would only take 50 damage from a 200 damage shot, there are only a few enemies in the game that do that much. The only status effects he would have to worry about would be armour break and sick.