[Class Idea] Ronin - The Binding Katana


Ronin, the Binding Katana

The Ronin has wandered the realm for so long. Years passed by before she met adventurers in need. Understanding the plight that has scoured the heroes of the Nexus, the wandering Ronin joins their resistance.

Unlocked by: Level 20 Ninja and Huntress

The Ronin uses:

  • Weapon: Katana
  • Ability: Scroll (details below)
  • Armor: Hide
  • Accessory: Ring
(Default Skin) Ronin

Walking and attacking animation

Ronin Jackie Skin

Walking and attacking animation

Stat Starting Gain/level Average Maxed
HP 150 20-30 625 720
MP 100 2-8 195 252
ATT 15 1-2 43.5 75
DEX 12 0-2 31 55
DEF 0 0 0 25
SPD 10 1-2 38.5 60
VIT 12 1-2 40.5 70
WIS 10 1-2 38.5 50
> I wanted to make an offensive support class that helps piercing classes hit their targets more easily. Her ability would help aiming a lot for all classes, as well as greatly assisting piercing classes. However, I think that her ability is quite powerful, hence why the lowered wis stat. Her vit is high because I believe she'll soak up more damage without a Ninja's speedy. Her offensive prowess is a bit lower than the Ninja, but she should be dealing enough damage to take care of enemies. Besides that, her stats are identical to that of the Ninja's.

The white one is the Ronin’s
Graph 2: to compare DPS of classes (pure weapon)

Ability - The Binding Scroll

##Pressing Ability Key:
Upon pressing the ability key, a stationary projectile appears on top of the closest tile to your character:
(Similar to a Void Blade projectile)

Until 10 seconds have elapsed, or after the ability key is released, the projectile changes into this:
##Release Ability key:
accompanied by black trap-like particles in a 3 tile range.

Any enemies that are in its range will be dragged towards the tile that it has spawned on at a speed of X tiles per second. The duration is 3 seconds. After 3 seconds have elapsed, an AoE for Y damage, similar to that of a Huntress’ with white particles and a 3 tile range which spawns from the projectile.

Illustration of Ability (Click to Open/ Click again to enlarge):

MP is consumed upon the ability key being pressed.
Enemies which are immune to stasis are also immune to the binding. This includes dungeon bosses, etc.
Enemies which are stationary are also immune to the binding.
Certain boss spawns like Daichi’s elemental flames and Ivory Dragon’s soul flames are immune.
You cannot switch scrolls when your scroll is active.

The potential for drag trolling is quite present, but since the Bind is spawned where the character is, this should be less troll-y than that of the trickster’s decoys. It’s effects should be similar to the slow effect of the huntress, and closer to a Ctrap on the higher tiles, but if you circle the monsters, you shouldn’t need too high of a tier to clump them together. The higher the tier, the speedier the enemies that you can bind. Also, the AoE becomes stronger. It has an AoE to prevent it from being a total useless ability on minion-less bosses, and to add a little more “oomph” to it.

Sprite Name Tier MP Cost Drag Speed (X) AoE damage (Y) Stat Bonus
Worn-out Scroll T0 80 1 tile/second 100
Oriental Scroll T1 90 1.3 tile/second 125
Silversilk Scroll T2 95 1.7 tile/second 150
Spectre Scroll T3 100 2 tile/second 200
Gravitation Scroll T4 110 2.5 tile/second 250
Vortex Scroll T5 120 3 tile/second 300
Soulbinder Scroll T6 120 3 tile/second 300 +2 wis, +2 vit

Untiered Abilities

UT - Fujiyama Scripture

Dai Chi holds this scripture as one of his most prized treasures, able to bind people from across nations down to his will.
dropped by: Daichi the Fallen

Tier MP Cost Drag Speed (X) AoE Damage (Y) Stat Bonus
UT 125 1.5 tile/second 175 Range is 5, for Bind and AoE
A logical conclusion to one extreme...

UT - Singularity Shard

This piece houses near infinite mass and attraction, yet so small and fragile…
dropped by: Ghost King

Tier MP Cost Drag Speed (X) AoE Damage (Y) Stat Bonus
UT 130 5 tile/second 500 Range is 1.5, for Bind and AoE

…and another logical conclusion to the other extreme!

A quick shout out to @Dappertron’s Ronin Class idea! I swear, I just happen to pick a random Japanese occupation with a katana. Here’s his link!
Dapper Ideas and Classy Classes (200+ item ideas and 14 new classes)

update log

2017-05-11: Release Date
2017-05-11: Formatting Fix
2017-05-11: Added Dappertron’s idea, which contained a class of the same name
2017-05-11: Added the Ronin’s equipments
2017-05-11: Added Missing UT sprites
2017-05-11: Added ability illustration
2017-05-11: Added Void Blade to further clarify
2017-05-11: Changed UT sprites. Thanks to @Scorchmist!
2017-05-16: Changed “Dai Chi the Corrupt Monk” into "Dai Chi the Fallen"
2017-05-17: Fixed some inconsistency in the stats table. Buffed wis to 50. Added new default skin, switched old skin into the Ronin Jackie skin. Fixed T6’s MP cost from 100 to 120.
2017-05-17: Fixed from Dai Chi to Daichi
2017-06-24: Fixed Sprite Sizes, for ease of reading

Tree Ideas
Reworking the prism
Spell of the Subsuming Void [New Crystal White Bag Drop]

@Stupidity or @OtherBill, would you care to shut the thread down?

Unless OP wants to keep it open for discussion…

What’s the class about?


Hold, I’m typing as we speak
It’s a a katana class with Enigma’s ult from Dota. Or Zarya’s Ult. Same thing.

Alright, it’s UP! Sorry for the confusion!


Don’t call it Ronin … if deca would take it they would have problems with Igg …


Igg? …do I google that to find out what that is, or am I missing something reallly obvious?


so I am very confused, but I understood one thing

the scroll drags enemies, now that concept has been an interesting one. But dragging enemies can be a huge troll move it can kill people quite easily.

and your uts look nothing like the teiered


You’re right; I’ll fix the UT sprites and names. As for how the ability works, I’ll put up some illustrations then!

Here is the illustration:


Interesting. Would the Ronin wear leather armor?

Also, even though you didn’t mention it specifically, from the way the ability works, you can’t have two “draggers” out at the same time, right?

I believe he meant lag.


Yeah. At least, I think she should.

Hmm… From what I imagined, as long as you can spam it, you can have multiple… "Binder"s? I’ll call it Binder for now. Any reason to why it should be limited? I can’t think of any at the moment…


Well, for one thing, once you press spacebar with a binder already out, it will activate that binder and not place another one, right? I suppose you could press spacebar immediatly after to place another one, but if the radius of this new one overlaps with the radius of the old one, what would happen to an enemy that stands in this overlap?

Having multiple binders could also introduce a lot of lag.


Hmm… maybe they should just kick urgles out of the game then


Well, I imagine they would be sucked to both at the same time. If multiple Ronin’s managed to stack their Binders in one tile, I imagine it could stop an Abyss Brute because it would be sucked to the same tile double the drag speed.

(Binder) <---- (enemy)----> (Binder)
They would be stuck in the middle.



The enemy would effectively be sucked to the middle[quote=“Werbenja, post:10, topic:9854”]
Having multiple binders could also introduce a lot of lag.

AH. That. I might have to delete the particles part, then… I imagined it would be a lot like a Void Blade’s projectile. I should mention that.


Deca, pls yes


Mulan feminism st skin confirmed?


…Bind, Ctrap, Dbow. Could that be too OP?


I was going for that Graceful but Deadly kind of lady. But sure, a skin sounds nice!


IGG made Castle Clash (mobile game) and theres a Hero that is a “ninja” and he’s called Ronin


Ahhh, I see. Thanks for pointing me to this game, though! Hmm… looks like a Clash of Clans kind of thing. I think Ronin should be fine as it’s some sort of a master-less samurai. Imagine a knight that serves no king, I guess.


Ronin normal :

Ronin Evolved :
Looks like a samurai :confused:


Man, I always wonder how they can make such great art works…

Anyways, this is the Ronin I was referring to: