Class "Rebalances"


Now, do keep in mind that all of the things here are simply my opinion on what could be done to make them more in-touch with what they represent, or to give them a better edge, even just flesh out some of their stats better.

For all classes that are not Robe classes, I would personally change the 252 MP to 250, because of OCD.


We all know the Wizard. He’s a total beast for DPS despite being a Staff class, and has the highest of Offensive stats in the game at a whopping 75 Attack and 75 Dexterity. There’s no need to change that, but a Staff class being purely made for Offensive makes him a little too powerful. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Vitality
40 -> 30 (-10 Total)
Maximum Wisdom
60 -> 50 (-10 Total)

In turn of people talking mainly about the Defense of the Wizard, I reverted that as well as the Speed. There isn’t much change to the stats that’s significant past that.


Spells are possibly the most powerful part of the Wizard, mainly due to the fact they don’t require too much Mana for a huge amount of damage. It feels a little cheap, in my opinion, so I want to propose this idea:

Rather than simply have the spell activate where you fire, I think that instead, it could fire one large bolt that does 50% of the total damage you’d get from every shot hitting, and put the other 50% on the rest of the bolts combined. The single bolt will hit a target and explode, making the rest of the shots hit other enemies rather than trying for luck at hitting a single enemy with all shots. The Shot Speed would be twice that of the actual spell. If the shot misses within a certain range, it would explode anyways.

For Tablet, upon the large bolt hitting a target, it would send out the shots in a spiral pattern that would make hitting enemies much easier.

For Recurring Terror, have the bolt only do 30% damage and leave the rest to the actual spell shots, where they would act as they normally do with the chance to hit the desired target.

For Ancient Spell, give it the same effect as normal Tiered spells.


Priest is known for being the savior of a whole lot of characters, including themselves, but they don’t really have a whole lot of damage. The healing that they provide from their tomes proves to be a very useful factor, but… we could use that in a way that benefits the actual character healing as well. At the same time, we could make the Priest more viable for offense. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Attack
50 -> 55 (+5 Total)
Maximum Vitality
40 -> 60 (+20 Total)

This is a slight edge to stats that don’t make a huge change, but give a little push in the right direction.


Rather than simply providing a heal to all players that are within reach, the user would gain a buff to their Attack and Dexterity stats depending on the tier that they use and how much Health that they heal. The amount Healed would give the Attack and Dexterity buff for 1% of the Health that they healed in seconds. So, if you healed 300 Health, you would get 3 Seconds of a Buff. The amount depends on the Tier, with Tier 0 starting at 1 each, and Tier 6 having 7 each. At the same time, instead of Wisdom affecting both the Heal and the Heal Range, Vitality would affect the range. The equation would remain the same, but it would be applied with Vitality rather than the Wisdom. This means that in order to get a full use out of Tomes, you must be maxed in both, not just Wisdom which is significantly more common.

For Puri, rather than the Health recieved being the source of Attack and Dexterity, it would provide Speed and Defense for the user. Specifically, five each, for 0.6% of the total Health replenished in seconds and for 0.1 seconds for every Status Effect healed.

For Prot, rather than the duration of Armored being determined by Wisdom, it would be determined by the amount of Vitality you have, since it’s a defensive buff. The equation would remain the same. The amount of health replenished would not affect Dexterity, but instead Defense, as well as Attack, at 4 each.

For Book of Geb, rather than the amount of health healed giving Attack or Dexterity, it would instead give Speed, at 10 total for 0.6% of the health replenished in seconds. As for the purification, that would give 5 Defense at 0.1 seconds for every Status Effect healed.

For Tome of Pain, have the amount of health replenished give 9 Dexterity at 0.1% in seconds, but have the amount of damage dealt to enemies give 9 Attack at 0.15% of the damage dealt in seconds.


This is considered one of the strongest classes in the game, and for very good reason. It has the ability to go invisible, which is something that no other class in the game is able to do; hell, the only way other classes can go invisible is by a consumable that only drops from one dungeon and its drop location. We’re not going to take that away, though… instead, we’ll make the Rogue feel more… thievish. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Attack
50 -> 60 (+10 Total)
Maximum Dexterity
75 -> 65 (-10 Total)
Maximum Wisdom
50 -> 60 (+10 Total)

In doing this, it’ll feel more like the Rogue isn’t able to simply throw out his dagger super often so that he keeps his disguise up. As for the Mana, that’s just a peev I’ve had for a while, so I did it because it’s not even. lol.


Cloaks are what makes the Rogue so different from the other dagger classes, and any class for that matter, as they’re able to go through almost any trial with little risk while cloaked. There isn’t any need to remove the cloak part of the cloak, so instead, we’ll add a little something:

For the amount of Wisdom that you have, you gain more Dexterity and Speed based on the Tier of the cloak you’re wearing. At the same time, your total Wisdom will get you an additional effect: upon cloaking, enemies around you will be dazed for a short amount of time. For every 8 Wisdom, you will gain 1 Dexterity provided to your overall bonus. For every 10 Wisdom you would also gain 1 Speed. This would only start to take effect once you reach 20 Wisdom, meaning you will start to gain Dexterity at 28 and Speed at 30. You would get a total of 5 Dexterity and 4 Speed at 60 Wisdom, the total amount given by Tier 5/6 and Plane’s bonuses. Neat! At the same time, you would have your daze in an area of 1.7 squares to all enemies for 20% of the total time of your invisibility, +8% for every 15 Wisdom starting at 30. This would allow you to get 36% of the total invisibility time as a daze. You would still have the cooldown, too, to prevent it from being broken.

For Plane, the daze will only gain 7% and start at 15% rather than 20% and 8% respectively, and will activate around the area where you teleport for 2.3 squares rather than 1.7.

For Drape, there will not be a daze; instead, you will gain an additional 0.5 seconds of Speedy for every 10 Wisdom starting at 30. This would mean an extra 2 Seconds of Speedy just for being maxed. However, the amount of Wisdom it takes to get Speed and Dexterity will be doubled.

For Bloody Surprises, the daze will be replaced with outright damage that pierces, starting at 150 in 2 squares. It will gain 25 damage for every 5 Wisdom, and 0.1 squares for every 5 Wisdom as well, starting at 35. This will total at 2x the damage and an extra 1 square of range.


Archer is admittedly a very fun class, and as it is, it has its unique uses in a very fair way. However, the way I see it, we could do more with him than what we’re already doing… here’s my proposal.


Maximum Wisdom
50 -> 60 (+10 Total)

Not really many changes to the stats, as they’re fine as is(aside from the MP, which I fixed xd). The Wisdom will be used in the abilities.


Based on where we’re at, we can already make due with some modifiers of Wisdom in a way that will impact the class, but not overpower it. It will not have huge impact on the class itself until Wisdom is past a certain amount. For Tiered quivers, this would be the equation: 2.5 if wis < 45; 2.5+[wis-45]/10 if wis >= 45. This would apply to both Slowed and Paralyzed. If you can’t math, this means that you would gain 1 Second per 10 Wisdom past 45 progressively, at a total of 1.5 Seconds added at maximum Wisdom.
For QoT, the equation would be this: 3 if wis < 50; 3+[wis-50]/10 if wis >= 50. This means you would get 1 Second of Dazed for every 10 Wisdom past 50 progressively, putting you back at 4 Seconds at maximum Wisdom.
For Beehemoth, the equation would be this: 4 if wis < 50; 4+[wis-50]/7 if wis >= 50. This means you would get 1 Second of Slowed for every 7 Wisdom past 50 progressively, putting you at 5.4 Seconds at Maximum Wisdom, .4 seconds over the current amount.
Of course, Shadows would not be affected by this in terms of effect, but instead would have an effect on the damage dealt. Rather than an equation being added, it would work like this: the quiver would recieve 20 - 25 damage for every 10 Wisdom past 30, starting at 40. It would also start at 180 - 225 instead of 200 - 250, to compensate. This would put you at more damage than you started with at a total of 240 - 300, being beneficial in the end.


This is definitely considered one of the most powerful classes in the game, and for good reason. It’s a Sword class that has the highest Offensive stats of its armor category, with a whopping 75 Attack and a UT ability that’s almost considered broken. There isn’t much to really do with the abilities, but instead, let’s focus on the stats of the class itself. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Attack
75 -> 65 (-10 Total)
Maximum Dexterity
50 -> 60 (+10 Total)
Maximum Vitality
75 -> 60 (-15 Total)

This gives the Warrior a more berserk feel due to the fact it can attack faster as well as more powerfully. At the same time, while it’s a Sword class, a Warrior isn’t exactly known for its healing, so Vitality was lowered to reflect this.


As said before, there isn’t really much that I would think to do to the Helms, due to the nature of the Warrior and how they all fit already. However, there are some changes I would want to make to the Untiered abilities regardless.

For Jugg, increase the MP cost from 90 to 110, and increase the Cooldown to 6 seconds.

For Draconic Dominance, I would increase the range of the Paralyze to 3 and increase the total time to 2.5. At the same time, I would reduce the health buff to 15 and reduce the time to 8 seconds, while reducing the cooldown to the same thing. I would also add +15 Defense to the Helm for 8 seconds as well, to give help to the user in a different kind of way.

For Hivemaster, I would make the Curse effect 100% rather than 50%, but reduce the time to 2.75 seconds so that it doesn’t become overpowering. At the same time, I would reduce the damage of bees to 100 damage every 1 second, but have the damage armor pierce to allow for use in higher-end dungeons.

For Swift Bunny(yes I did this), I would reduce the time of Speedy to 10 seconds, but also give a +10 Speed bonus for 10 seconds as well, to give a more “swift” effect.


One of the most controversial classes in the game currently, due to just how stupidly broken he can be in some situations and how utterly useless he can be in other situations. He has ridiculous defense, an ability that gives him even more defense upon equip, and very little drawbacks to where he just… doesn’t feel like a knight. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Speed
50 -> 40 (-10 Total)
Maximum Dexterity
50 -> 45 (-5 Total)

There are no upgrades, and instead only downgrades, but there is no sufficient downgrade to anything but Speed due to the fact that they wear armor and carry heavy-ass shields, so they shouldn’t be able to move so quickly.


These are a part of the class that make the Knight severely powerful, due to the damage they deal, the effect that they inflict, and the bonuses that they give. That’s a little bit ridiculous, just in my head, so I want to not only make them a bit more fair, but also give use to the least-used stat in the game currently: Vitality.

All Tiered shields would have a 1.5 second cooldown to prevent spam-to-win on bosses that can be stunned, and so that they require more skill to use. At the same time, I would reduce the damage down to 80% of what they currently are overall, and give Shields 1 Second of Dazed to the user upon using them. At the same time, I would make Vitality influence the amount of damage each shot of the Shield does. This would be +6% for every 10 Vitality past 15, starting at 25. At maximum Vitality, this would be 116% of what their original damage was, making for a beneficial boost to their damage.

For Ogmur, the effect of Dazed would not be applied, replaced by Weak, and the cooldown would be for 2 seconds rather than 1.5. At the same time, the damage scale would be at 7% for every 10 Vitality past 15, and you would gain 0.1 seconds of Armor Broken for every 15 Vitality past 15, starting at 30. This would be an extra 0.4 seconds, which is not a whole lot, but an amount.

For Scutum, the cooldown would be 2.5 seconds instead of its usual 1.5, and there would be no Dazed for using this shield.

For Snake Skin, the Stunned would be reduced to 2 seconds and it would have an additional 2 seconds of Slowed, with the Dazed being replaced by Slowed as well. Damage would be equivalent to that of the Tier 2 Shield, whilst there would be 5 Shots like Tier 5/6.


Paladin is one of my favorite classes, and has been since like, 2013. But I have to admit that there’s a lot of things that make the Paladin a bit weak in comparison to other classes, even some that are in other armor categories. Its original vigor is gone, and I want to restore it. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Defense
30 -> 25 (-5 Total)
Maximum Speed
55 -> 60 (+5 Total)
Maximum Dexterity
45 -> 50 (+5 Total)

This gets rid of a little bit of his current Defense, but instead returns him to his old Dexterity and even gives him a nice boost in Speed similar to the Mystic being a lot faster while having less DPS.


Seals are at a nice point, so I won’t touch the effects of the ability per se, but I will talk about how they’re the only Sword-class ability to not give stat buffs on tiered items. So, I want to make just a little bit of a change to that.

For the Tier of a Seal, the user would gain 1 Dexterity and 1 Wisdom. Except for Tier 6, where the user would only gain 1 Wisdom, for a total of 5 Dexterity and 6 Wisdom on Tier 6.

For Oreo, change the -4 Defense to -3, and change the +4 Speed to +5.

For Marble Seal, give it a Wisdom modifier, dammit! Here, I’ll even do it for you.

Spawns a Marble Pillar for (4 if wis < 55; 4+[wis-55]/10 if wis >= 55) Seconds (max 7.5 seconds)
Pillar Effect:
Armored in (3 if wis < 55; 3+[wis-55]/20 if wis >= 55) squares (max 4.75 range)
Damaging in (3 if wis < 55; 3+[wis-55]/20 if wis >= 55) squares (max 4.75 range)
On Equip:
+5 Defense
MP Cost: 135
Cooldown: (5 if wis < 55; 5+[wis-55]/10 if wis >= 55) Seconds (basically, 1 more than pillar is up for)
Fame Bonus: 6%

There you go.

For Seal of the Enchanted Forest, buff that thing, man! I’ll do this one for you too.

(HP gain and range the same)
Enemy Effect: Slowed on enemies for 3.5 + wis/75 (wis < 25; wis =< wis) seconds in 5 squares
Effect on Self: Hallucinating on self for 1 second
On Equip:
+2 Attack
+5 Vitality
+5 Wisdom
MP Cost: 95
Fame Bonus: 5%



We already know that Assassin was buffed as of recently - like, very recently - so I don’t feel like a huge change needs to be made to the Assassin, due to the fact it’s more viable now. However, there are some light tweaks that I think should be made. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Wisdom
60 -> 50 (-10 Total)

The Wisdom isn’t really all that necessary in today’s meta, and it doesn’t really make the class any better or worse, so I don’t feel that we really need it.


I would only make changes to Murky specifically, as the normal poisons are fine as they are, and Plague is fine as well.

Poison Grenade:
600 Damage over 3 Seconds in 2 Squares (75 impact damage)
300 Damage over 3 Seconds in 3.5 Squares (50 impact damage)
100 Damage over 3 Seconds in 5 Squares (25 impact damage)
On Equip:
+3 Attack
+3 Dexterity
MP Cost: 120
Fame Bonus: 5%


Necromancer is one of my favorite classes as it stands, just simply due to the fact that they’re fun to play both offensively and defensively. You can do massive heals if in the right situation, and do damage at the same time. They’re honestly great, but I feel that they could use a little bit of a change. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Attack
75 -> 70 (-5 Total)
Maximum Dexterity
60 -> 65 (+5 Total)

This balances out the offensive stats while not completely changing who the Necromancer is as a class.


Skulls, as they are, are unique enough to be fine as they are. However, there is no use for Vitality again, and I want to use it here… so, I will!

For Skulls, rather than having the HP Steal stay at a set amount, have the amount of Vitality you have influence the amount of HP that you steal per enemy. The original HP Steal should be at 90% of its original power, whilst every point of Vitality adds an additional 1% to the total, making for 110% at maximum Vitality.

For Skullish Remains, have the amount of Vitality also influence how long Slowed lasts, at 0.1 Seconds per Vitality, as well as setting the Slowed for a default 2 Seconds.

For Corrupted, have the amount of Vitality also influence how long Cursed lasts, at 0.15 Seconds per Vitality, as well as setting the Cursed for a default 3.5 Seconds.

For Endless Torment, double the amount of extra Heal per Vitality.

For Memento Mori, add a frickin’ Wisdom modifier to that, too! Jeez. And a Vitality modifier.

Skull: (325 if Wis < 50; 325+[Wis-50]x6 if Wis >= 50) damage
within 3 squares
Steals 0 HP and ignores 400 Defense
Effect on Self:
Damaging for (3 if Vit < 50; 3+[Wis-50]/10 if Vit >= 50) Seconds
On Equip:
+5 Vitality
MP Cost: 120
Fame Bonus: 6%

This adds up to an extra second of Damaging, as well as allowing the Skull to do more damage. It does lower the range of damage, however, to make it not broken.


We all know the Huntress. She has the same exact stats as Archer does, and there’s only a little bit of variety in what she’s capable of compared to the Archer. She’s capable of so much more with a bit of tweaking, however. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Attack
75 -> 65 (-10 Total)
Maximum Speed
50 -> 55 (+5 Total)
Maximum Dexterity
50 -> 60 (+10 Total)

This will give a different feel to the Huntress, due to the fact she can move slightly faster - due to not being weighed down by quivers - and fire faster, though with less force than the Archer.


Some of the traps are fine as they are, but some of them just… need a bit of work. Mainly Vile Spirit.

For CTrap, simply change the Dex and Speed to 3. That’s it.

For Honeytomb, make it cost 75 MP, but give it 3.5 seconds of Slowed, as well as 30 more Damage.

For Vile Spirit, just… have this.

Trap: 900 Damage in 3 Squares
0.75 seconds to arm
Triggers within 1.5 squares
Duration: 10 Seconds
Ignores target defense
On Equip:
+25 Maximum MP
+3 Attack
+3 Speed
MP Cost: 95
Fame Bonus: 6%

As it stands currently in Prod, this is severely underwhelming as an Event White in comparison to the Quiver of the Shadows for the Archer, which does over 1000 Damage almost guaranteed. This puts it a bit higher on the scale of usefulness and has its use similar to what the capabilities of Quiver of the Shadows are without being directly the same overall. I was even lucky enough to have this as a drop, but it still felt underwhelming.


Mystic is one of the most interesting classes in the game as it stands due to their ability alone. They’re often seen as a troll to other people, but while that can be the case, they actually have a lot of uses in the game that are overshadowed by their bad representation. At the same time, they could use a bit of a buff to make them a little more viable, and they could have a bit of tweaks to a couple of their orbs, since the rest are fine as they stand.


Maximum Dexterity
55 -> 60 (+5 Total)

That was easy, wasn’t it?


For Conflict, I honestly feel like the durations should be the same as Soul of the Bearer’s simply due to the fact that Soul of the Bearer is almost a ripoff of Conflict and its effects are better. At the same time, increase the Attack and Dexterity bonuses to 3 each, and add 3 Speed as well.

For Bearer, do this.

Stasis on Group: 5 Seconds
Enemy Effect: Cursed for (7 if wis < 50; 7+[wis-50]x7/150 if wis >= 50) Seconds in (8 if wis < 50; 8+[wis-50]/30 if wis >= 50) squares
150 Damage in 3 squares
Effect on Self:
Berserk for (2.5 if Wis < 50; 2.5+[wis-50]/25 if wis >= 50) Seconds
Armored for (1 if Wis < 50; 2.5+[wis-50]/25 if wis >= 50) Seconds
On Equip:
+5 Attack
MP Cost: 120
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Fame Bonus: 5%

This will give it a unique use that differs from the other Orbs without needing to rip off another one. It will also give a defensive boost as well as an offensive boost in a different way than Orb of Conflict does.


While I know that Trickster just got buffed, I’ve had a personal opinion on what the Prisms should do for a while now, so I’m going to present them. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Wisdom
60 -> 50 (-10 Total)

Just like with Assassin, this doesn’t really seem necessary to make the class good.


The idea for these is rather interesting. Add HP equivalent to 200x their original duration lengths per tier(the old times), and 10 seconds before they disappear naturally. Decoys will take damage equivalent to 10x the defense of their current tier +15. Using this, these are the stats.
Tier 0: 600 HP, 15 Def; Tier 1: 700 HP, 25 Def; Tier 2: 800 HP, 35 Def; Tier 3: 900 HP, 45 Def; Tier 4: 1000 HP, 55 Def; Tier 5: 1100 HP, 65 Def; Tier 6: 1100 HP, 75 Def.

The UTs with actual normal decoys are different.
Dancing Swords: 700 HP each, 40 Def each
Brain of the Golem: 2500 HP, 100 Def, 20 seconds

As for Ghostly, well…
Ghostly: Reduce damage range from 320 - 480 to 150 - 175. Keep it fair.

And Dire Instability is fine as it is, due to the difficult it has with aiming it properly.


The Sorcerer is a class that I enjoy even when I suck at the game sometimes. Scepters are a powerful tool but not in a broken way, and they make the class fun to play. I don’t have too much to say about the Sorcerer overall, but I do feel some changes to the class would be nice. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Attack
70 -> 65 (-5 Total)
Maximum Dexterity
60 -> 65 (+5 Total)

This balances out these two stats in a way that’s easier to look at, because seeing 70 Attack and not 75 is a total peev.


There isn’t too big of a change needed for scepters, to be completely fair. They’re doing alright as they are, but I do want to want to suggest a slight change for the Honey Scepter.

The point of the Honey Scepter is to have more targets than all of the other scepters, so… why not make it easier to have more targets to aim at? Lower the threshold to 45 WIsdom, and rather than have it at 1 per 10 Wisdom, have it at 1 per 7 Wisdom. This will allow for more targets, but not an insane amount.


This class has so much potential it’s downright insane. Yet so many people refuse to play it because of the way that it plays, and to that I say… eh, your choice. However, the stats on this damn class annoy me half to death, so I want to change them a little bit so they’re better on the eyes. Here’s my proposal.


Maximum Health
720 -> 700 (-20 Total)
Maximum Attack
70 -> 75 (+5 Total)
Maximum Speed
Maximum Dexterity
70 -> 75 (+5 Total)
Maximum Wisdom
60 -> 50 (-10 Total)

There aren’t really many classes that share the same HP as the Bow classes, so I thought that I could do this to the Ninja in order to put him on a different plane than just another Leather that’s also got the high DPS of a Sword class. With less health, you’ll have to be just that bit more careful.


Okay, these things are great. But currently, there’s only two and they’re both just a bit eh… so I want to give them both an edge that share a similar trait, but are still different.

For Kageboshi, add 140 - 260 damage and add armor pierce.

For Midnight Star, add pierce but reduce the Paralyzed to 3 seconds. Increase base damage by 100.

Do keep in mind, these are just my personal thoughts on what should be done, and you might have a different opinion. If you have thoughts about it, do tell, because that’s the point of the forum. Thanks for reading.




This would theoretically makes the Kageboshi useless, since it is the only star that pierces,

Deca buffed the prism for a reason…

They don’t need the dex buff, they already have a orb that gives berserk(and doesn’t affect the party like a warrior).

Unlike the other classes, paladin’s ability does not give def bonuses.

Seeing its already rare enough, it doesn’t require worse stats.

Would make it wayyy too squishy for new players, since it is the first class they unlock.
Making changing the vit and wis of certain classes wouldn’t affect the classes at all, since pets give hundreds of vit and wis in terms of HP and MP regeneration.

I wouldn’t really change anything, other than a priest buff, I like the way things are now.


What an inquisitive reply.


For the Star, I gave Kageboshi a different usage, as listed in the stats. I likely did too little damage for it to count, but either way I still listed it.

The Prism, as it stands, is way too powerful, and gives just about no use to Dire Instability, a considerably rarer Prism.

You would need a maximum Divine to even think about getting an infinite Berserk with Mystic, even if you had Ritual Robe and Geb’s Ring of Wisdom. Besides, it’s 5 Dexterity, it’s not really that much.

Notice that for Paladin, I instead gave its DPS back and gave it more Speed. And I even mentioned that it doesn’t give anything in the post, which was a reasoning behind giving it something.

A “new player” won’t necessarily get to a 6/8 as easily as you might think.

For the Vitality and Wisdom, some of it is for convenience of maxing more than anything else, while others give specific reasons for doing so, like giving use to them.

And your view is nice, but do remember, this is more of a personal thing in terms of what could be done, not so much what the public opinion should be. You did it right by giving reasoning behind the answers, unlike David. (cough)




It just all seems so unnecessary.


Definite no on the wizard (-10 defense). Makes him way to squishy.


Made a single update to the post that’s fairly obvious.


just don’t change the necro’s ability and I’m fine :slight_smile:


Only thing different is the amount of Heal that it gives depends on Vit, rest of the ability is the same.


ahhh ok, so I guess ill get a lot of vit and I get a lot of health healed :smiley:


It’s suppose to be an easy to use ability, making it easier to clear and get damage in. We’re not here trying to destroy starting players chances of loot and survival.

Doesn’t make sense for trickster and assassin to have different stat increases, especially trickster, since it’s pretty much just a rogue.

Wtf, bad idea. There should only ever be one item with daze and that’s Qot for good reason. Daze is too powerful for general use, especially on a tiered item.

I don’t know why all these wis buffs are necessary. Theres no point changing something that wont make a difference to begin with.

What. Are you putting a wis mod on pretty much every single class. Not a good idea and a lot of people can back me up on this one. Wis mods are only necessary for weaker classes and archer definitely doesn’t need one.

Bruh, are you trying to make jugg even less viable. It’s not a general use helm to begin with and this is just knocking it further down the hole. Let’s not try to turn jugg into the helm version of tablet.

Uhhhh what. I mean if you decrease his speed then that’s just like a walking boulder in the game. I can see how you’re trying to apply real life logic, but that doesnt work very well in ROTMG. Instead of making the knight slower, it would make sense to buff the other characters spd. And as for his dex, if you didnt notice, it’s also pretty low.

Tf is up with daze. Shield is OP enough. Also whats the point of having daze if there’s a stun? Because daze and stun should not exist together. Not only does stun cancel daze out, daze is still too OP to have. As I said before, it should be a special ability, limited to only one item in the game. Also holy fck how overpowered are you making ogmur? Just stick with armor break ffs.

What? Def was always a problem for the pally. That’s why you wear cc and is the only class where I see higher level people using ubdef on. Why would you want to lower it? Pally doesnt need a dps change. It’s ability is already powerful enough that it doesnt need a buff at its current state.

Why tf would it need wis mod? Marble seal doesnt need a wis mod, because the only people who will ever use it, or even have it are maxed, high level players. Wis mod serves only to help lower level people or buff a class. And this is one of the only items, along with the other LH whites, where you will not see unmaxed noobs running around with. Because they simply cant obtain it.

The problem here is that not that it’s not needed. It’s that after a certain limit, theres no point having any more. Just leave the wis alone ffs.

Wow seems great for those people who can actually max vit. Not very considerate for the lower level people.

Refresh my mind as to why there should be any reason to add a wis mod? Because there isnt as far as I can see.

It should be the opposite. Archer should have faster speed. Carrying a quiver with several dozen arrows in real life beats out lugging around bag of bear traps in terms of weight.

Yeah, it’s only guaranteed unless you sit on your target, because there are 5 shots. Last time I checked, vile spirit only had one. How is it underwhelming? You have a greater chance, area, and probability that you’ll hit your target (not to mention it’s high enough dps) when compared to quiver of shadows. An event white is not suppose to be a god tier item. It simply is more useful in more specific situations.

Armored isn’t really a good effect to use for a mystic. Added to the fact that this orb doesnt even have speedy only makes less sense.

Then leave it alone.

Eh I kind of feel like this is too complicated. I mean there wasnt a problem with decoys before so I dont really see any need to change it.

If rotmg is based on how nice stats look, then rotmg is in big trouble.

Lmao, even less people would play ninja now. You dont need to buff his dps. It’s high enough already. Raising att and dex are going to do jack when you die prematurely because of how weak the ninja would be like this.

Pretty sure someone also pointed this out but, the only reason why youd ever use kageboshi is because it pierces. Even if it did armor pierce it’s still terrible dps wise and there would be no reason to use because of its laughable dps. You would use a mdnight star or dcircle in any situation over kageboshi.

Overall I would just like to say nice work. If I seem to be really nitpicking its only because of how much information you posted. You clearly put in a lot of time and effort into this and took the opportunity to think things out. Good job, and keep up the good work.


Going in-depth on some of these responses made me keep reading through them, and it’s easier to give better thought from these than what others might post because there’s things to base thought off of. You gave the points necessary for each change’s faults without sounding douchey, and some are a little leaning towards that but they’re still justified.

For the Cloaks specifically, I kept the time low on it to make it less of a “constant use” thing and more of a convenience thing. It’s barely any time as it is, and there’s the cooldown to prevent too much use. I’ll touch up on the rest later, as I need some sleep.

Thanks for responding, chap.

And now that I’m awake, here’s the actual part for the shields you might have missed:

All Tiered shields would have a 1.5 second cooldown to prevent spam-to-win on bosses that can be stunned, and so that they require more skill to use. At the same time, I would reduce the damage down to 80% of what they currently are overall, and give Shields 1 Second of Dazed to the user upon using them. At the same time, I would make Vitality influence the amount of damage each shot of the Shield does. This would be +6% for every 10 Vitality past 15, starting at 25. At maximum Vitality, this would be 116% of what their original damage was, making for a beneficial boost to their damage.


Or just make stun immunity like stasis one is currently (eg. Stun immunity=stun duration+1.5s)


That would ruin the idea of cooperation with Knights to keep something stunned, though. You can forget about steamrolling, things would take 5x as long.

Oryx? Don’t even bother bringing a Melee anymore.


What a long and unnecessary post.


Your reply sure does help with improvement, yo.


Most of the changes you wrote are absolutely pointless, and many detrimental. Let’s see…

Wizard - concentrating spell damage is a net buff, and reducing WIS and VIT on a class that doesn’t have a WIS mod, when pets make up most of our HP and MP regen is pointless. Wizard doesn’t need a buff. It’s fine as it is.

Priest should get more ATT and more VIT is useless on a class that can heal itself. 20 more VIT is like 2-3 HPS. Tomes are fine as they are and Priest certainly do not need a buff.

Shuffling around Rogue stats has no purpose, and just because you can’t perma cloak doesn’t mean Rogue needs more WIS.

Almost everything you wrote is pointless. The one tiny contribution you made was pointing out that a WIS mod for every class that doesn’t have one would make it a more relevant stat, but the mechanics you wrote out are convoluted, silly or overlap with existing abilities.

Do you even know why max MP is 252? Paladin defense was buffed for a reason too.


Priest is the most OP class and you wanna make it better?? You have range, heal yourself, Armor yourself (If Prot) etc plus a good pet and you can basically be permanently armored. You’re like a ranged healing knight, minus the dmg