Class: Seer


The Seer

The seer is a wand slinging, scroll reading, all around utility and damaging badass (that would probably never happen because of the coding hell required to even make this work but hey, it’s an idea I had).

The seer uses Scrolls to ‘see’ their enemy’s ‘weakness’, and utilizing it against them. Seeing the enemy’s weakness makes them all around weaker and the seer all around stronger.

In realm terms: The activated ability gives all the seer’s stats a % bonus, and reduce all enemies in the area’s stats by the same %.

The ability would be ridiculously overpowered if it affected EVERY stat the enemy has, so it doesn’t affect the amount of health they have, how fast or how far their bullets travel, and how fast they move. However, when the seer uses the ability, those stats increase by the % the item says.

Now, this is probably really confusing. Let me elaborate a little

Oryx has:

60 Defense, 85,000 Health, and on average deals 133.77 per bullet. (I did the math, it checks out.)

Your scroll steals 10% his stats for 6 seconds. His health won’t be affected, but he’ll lost and you’ll gain 6 defense. Oryx will move 10% slower, you 10% faster. Every shot he fires will do 13 less damage (minimum of 1) and you will deal 13 more per shot (Not affected by your attack stat, but is affected by damage buff) His shots will all move at their regular speed, but yours will be 10% faster (This is effected by berserk and your dexterity).

Now all of that seems like a hot mess on paper, but in practice, it seems pretty amazing, at least I think so.

Now, let’s get to the fun stuff. Stats

Starting stats:

  • Health: 115
  • Mana: 100
  • Attack: 15
  • Defense: 0
  • Speed: 12
  • Dexterity: 10
  • Vitality: 15
  • Wisdom: 10

Average at 20:

  • Health: 580
  • Mana: 275
  • Attack: 43
  • Defense: 0
  • Speed: 31
  • Dexterity: 31
  • Vitality: 38
  • Wisdom: 29


  • Health: 680
  • Mana: 355
  • Attack: 75
  • Defense: 25
  • Speed: 50
  • Dexterity: 60
  • Vitality: 75
  • Wisdom: 40

Now, for the ability, The Scroll :

t0: Scroll of Thought

To peek at the mind
Stat Stealing: 5%
MP Cost: 50
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Radius: 2
Feed power: 5

t1: Scroll of Wisdom

To see one’s conscience
MP Cost: 60
Cooldown: 8.5 Seconds
Stat Stealing: 6%
Radius: 2
Feed Power: 10

t2: Scroll of The Astute

To predict one’s demise
MP Cost: 70
Cooldown: 7 Seconds
Stat Stealing: 7%
Radius: 2
Feed Power: 20

t3: Scroll of Intellect

To inflict fear
MP Cost: 80
Cooldown: 5.5 Seconds
Stat Stealing: 8%
Radius: 2
Feed Power:45

t4: Scroll of The Ingenious

To drain one’s dreams
MP Cost: 110
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Stat Stealing: 10%
Stat Bonus: +50 Mana
Radius: 2
Fame Bonus: 2%
Feed Power: 90

t5: Scroll of Mental Damnation

To ruin one’s Intellect
MP Cost: 120
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Stat Stealing: 12%
Stat Bonus: +75 Mana
Radius: 2
Fame Bonus: 3%
Feed Power 185

t6: Scroll of Hedonism

To break a god
MP Cost: 120
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Stat Stealing: 12%
Stat Bonus: +90 Mana, +2 Vit, +2 Wis
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 380

All tiers drop from their regular sources, alongside other classes, for example tier 5 and 6 from Oryx 2, tier 1-3 in the lowlands, 2-4 at the godlands, stuff like that.

Now, another question may need be asked, “But Panda, the scrolls have a radius! Does that mean you steal from other enemies too!?” The answer is yes, but here’s the shitty coding I was talking about, to punish people from just using it all willy nilly.

For every enemy you steal from, each source is reduced by 2%. (Steal from 2 enemies with a t6 scroll, you will only receive 10% from each. Steal from 3, you will only receive 8% from each, etc. etc.) If you steal from an enemies that does shoot and an enemy that doesn’t, you will gain full benefits to your firing (Firerate, bullet speed, and damage) but every stat both enemies have will be reduced by the 2% stated earlier.

So what’d you guys think? Hot pile of complicated shit right? I hope it makes some sense, looks like fun or even a new favorite to someone. I’m going to add on to this class if it’s well received with a whole ut set like Sorcerer gets from the mad lab, and with it Maybe even a dungeon. I’m unsure how far I’ll bring the idea, but I have a lot of coffee and time on my hands to bust it out. Thank you all for reading!

~Your big shitlord, Pandafuack

Pendant of the Truth

I like


Coding hell
Sounds dope as hell though
8/8, would 8/8 one


God damnit, I’m an idiot, thank you for pointing it out


Glad you like! It was a shower thought more than anything, I didn’t even think the stats through enough or calculate them (which I am now and will edit once I get good results cough)


Decent idea. Also Seconds*


Fixed, thank you


He maxes at 0 def? Huh.


lle xD


Goddamnit, Fixed


Fixed, maxes at 25 like every other degenerate


INB4 Knight and Paladin are the real degenerates


We all know that paladin is bae, don’t even start with me homeslice


Nah mate Mystics is where the shits at.


If I was playing Kill Bang Marry, I would probably bang mystic, marry paladin, and kill myself <3


Yo is that a Path of Exile reference or what?






I have been waiting for someone to make a class with the name Seer, because of the Login Seer. LOL! Seriously though, LOVE the scroll sprites! To me, the sprite looks like combo between the Wizard and the Sorcerer. But the ability seems a little OP to me. Plus, to me, the ability is alot the the Mystics Stasis in the sense that they would have to edit lots of stronger boss type enemies to make them vulnerable to this rather OP ability. But it IS an AWESOME idea man!


Login seer should totally be a skin if this becomes a thing!