Cloak of the Sprite Conductor


40 AM
Confuses and blinds the enemy with radiant colors. But it consumes so much energy, it has side effects on the user as well…

Tier: UT
MP Cost: 100
Effect: Invisible (4s), Dazed to targets (4s), Dazed to self (2s)
Radius: 3
Cooldown: 7s
Feed Power: 750

Loot Bag: image
Drops From: Lemon the Sprite Goddess

And you’re probably like, “Uh, Gamma? You know that you spelled Limon the Sprite Goddess wrong, right?” Yes, I am aware of this. Lemon will replace Limon in the Sprite World in April Fool’s Day and MotMG with the sprite below:

20 AM
Same shots, same damage, same HP. Just the sprite is different.


The cloak is really ugly and way to overpowered. Why not just a reskin planeswalker. The lemon idea is good.


When life gives you lemons, you make them into sprite goddess


OMG, * Laughing uncontrollably * lemon looks sexy tbf.


woah, I think I just got an epilepsy looking at that cloak


Yeah, it’s not my best sprite.


he looks sexy af wtf


cloak needs a cooldown

that’s all i gotta say, since all cloaks, tiered or untiered, have a cooldown. otherwise it would be far too spammable.


Sprite world… what is sprite claimed to taste like? lemons and limes… limon sounds like a crossbreed between a lemon and a lime… Rotmg secretly subliminally sponsored by sprite confirmed?


First off,

thanks for making me laugh.

Second off,

Daze on “targets”.
Making a cloak that uses AoE effects only works in cases where you’re rushing or doing dungeons in groups makes it situational, but if that’s your intention, then these stats look pretty good.


Why do you need to daze enemies when you’re just gonna be invisible anyways? Especially when the daze and invisibility are the same length?


Uh…because you can daze the monsters for your allies?

That’s the point of the Rogue.


So your playing rogue, the Solo class of RoTMG, with other people. Considering your using this cloak, i’d Assume your rushing. So you’re rushing with other people even when you’re a solo class…

I understand that a lot of places, you won’t be alone, but some of the time, you probably won’t have people trying to rush with a 75 speed class.

Even if this was put into the game, why have Daze on yourself? If I’m in a Mad Lab, I wouldn’t enjoy getting dazed while trying to break a wall.

The radius is the line from a center of a circle, so realistically you only have 3 actual spaces to use it. 3 tiles is a lot smaller than your Dagger range, at 5.6. You can’t say it has 6 range (since its arduous, not diameter), because your in the middle of the circle. 3 tiles from the middle is how much room you have to actually daze them, but guess what, you’re dazed yourself, so you can’t even quickly kill whatever is near you!




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