

Granted but it’s escargot

I wish I could survive in RotMG better


I’m just going to re-corrupt this wish instead for good measure because I think mine is both more interesting and more effective than pokeballhi’s. no offense, but I can do better than that

granted, the catch is that your wish is now being enforced for realsies and if you reply to this thread within the next 3 hours I’ll ban your account for 24 hours. seriously.

I wish pokeballhi had a snail


Granted. But now Pokeballhi must endure Escargoon and all that entails.

I wish EA games would fail as a company. They’ve been around longer than I believe they should be, and I don’t care if that means less total game output/preservation. The ripple effects would settle.



I wish I didn’t have so much homework


Granted, you now are kicked out of school and you don’t have any homework.

I wish that @Xaklor won’t suspend my account for only waiting 2 hours and 59 minutes and 45 seconds to post in this thread instead of 3


Granted! Your account is full-on banned, instead of suspended. Gotta be extra pedantic!

I wish I could fit inside any space I wanted without danger of dying or being exposed to pain.


Granted. You fit into the universe, staying your same size but becoming immortal. You live past the nuclear fallout, and you get to sit and do nothing for 5 billion years until the sun dies and the earth eventually falls apart. Now you drift through nothingness, doomed to eternally regret your wish.

I wish I had every ST set in the game.


granted but you also get an unreleased one designed for next year’s april fools. this unreleased one once rendered will ban your account and only give you chris if you send a ban appeal
i wish i could get better grades in chinese .w.


I don’t really care if I get Chris. He was nice to me when I was transferring my account.

Granted, all of your grades are changed to 200s and you get suspended from school for hacking the gradebook

I wish my dog would walk over from the other room so I could pet her.


granted but it runs away after it walked over, you could’ve but you didn’t
i wish to get better at wish corruption


Granted, now everyone hates you.

I wish Deca gave more free packs


Granted, but they’re all filled with t0 rings

I wish for a silly hat


Granted, and it’s even enchanted!

I wish I had a reasonable sleep schedule


Granted. You now think it’s reasonable to never sleep.

I wish my upe was luckier
20 forest mazes for just one of the Uts


Granted, but its luck only works for getting items it can’t use.

I wish for a glass of water


Granted but the top is also covered in glass so you can’t drink it.

I wish I was immune to COVID


granted, however no one else knows that you are and no one else believes you so you’re still subject to all the same rules as everyone else and nothing changes or gets better for you

I wish I had more plushies large enough to cuddle


Granted! However, they are all oddly wet at all times. Not even soaking wet, just the kind of wet that a pair of jeans would be after it’s been hung to dry after about 30 minutes or so.

I wish I could pet a seal without it harming me.


Therapist: Don’t worry, mutant seals don’t exist, they can’t hurt you!

Mutant seal:

I wish that I was as innocent as I used to be :pensive:


Granted, you now weren’t arrested for 16 counts of homicide and felony. Because this happened, you weren’t put in jail, and in the time you were free instead of in jail you discovered Realmeye forums and wished for this. Is that a paradox? Maybe…

I wish I didn’t have such a dirty mind and that I never saw the mutant seal…