

Granted, but your account is hacked into after you show it off in the nexus.

I wish for time manipulation powers.


Granted, but you’re only able to manipulate time to the start of a tragic event.

I wish spam bots were gone.


Granted, but they’ll come back after a week anyways.

I wish petless realms/servers existed.


Granted, but you can only use a baby as your pet

I wish to become a meme.


Granted, you are now rotunda
I wish to become an electric scooter


Granted, but only I can ride you :^)

I wish to become an attack helicopter.


You do become an attack helicopter, but people say to you that being an attack helicopter is impossible, and you’re stupid, but you don’t care - you’re beautiful. You’re having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 3 mm cannons, and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on your body. From now on you want people to call you Apache and respect your right to kill from above and needlessly. If they can’t accept you, they are Heliphobes.

I wish I were to win one of Deca’s contests.


Granted, but the only reward you get is a t2 skull.

I wish I had 25 character slots.


Granted, but all of your character slots must be occupied with characters that cannot max their stats.

I wish for free realm gold.


Granted, but you can’t actually spend it on anything

I wish to be able to keep a non fame-farm character alive


Granted, but you can only wear the starter equipment and have no pet.

I wish I had a all the event whites.


Granted, but they are in your vault and unable to be touched or used at all

I wish for a white star


Granted, but you get hacked right after getting it.

I wish for friends


Granted but they end up laughing their arses off after each of your deaths, not matter how sad you are
I wish for a shatters white


Granted but the moment you want to show the item off, you get killed by a hobbit mage, your death and grave will get posted on reddit, people will make videos about your death and laugh, the 10 most clicked videos will be reactions of the reactions of the reactions of your death, you will eventually quit this game and never be able to communicate with any other humans again, You will move out to a hut deep in the woods and be there alone. Forever.

I want to go back to the past and rewrite all of my stupid decisions.


Granted but you rewrite them even stupider

I wish for world peace


Granted, but everyone has agreed to world peace on one condition, to torture you to the point were you a begging to die, and you see all your family members have the sweet release of death, whilst you sit in a cell, half rotting, wondering for your turn

I wish for fans


granted, but all of them are stalking you

i wish for a stone


Granted, but the rock dragon spawns on you and begins to fire.

I wish I can sway any dealer in realm for any item for a minor ring of defense.


Granted, you get IP banned from rotmg
I wish for a fulmi