

Granted but he got ninjad

I wish for water


Granted but it’s saltier than the Dead Sea
I wish for pizza


granted but it has broccoli on it

I wish for all the ubhps


Gtaned but they are just pictures
I wish that I can write in C++ and C#


Granted, enjoy wasting your time with the most cancerous programming language.

I wish for a cbow.


Granted, but it’s black and shoots potatoes.

I wish for free burritos.


Granted, but it’s a breakfast burrito someone accidentally put hot sauce in.
I wish for French fries


Granted, but they cost 1 euro per fry.

I wish for the election results to have a positive effect on the future of the Netherlands.


Granted, but the positive effects only last for a year, after which everything spirals downwards rapidly.
I wish to not have to be on a rowing machine for an hour straight tomorrow.


Granted, but you are only exempted from duty because you landed in a coma.

I wish sleeping was unnecessary.


Granted, but you still want it.

I wish for more hours in a day.


Granted, but the hours become proportionally shorter depending on how many more you add.
I wish that this wish won’t come true. If it doesn’t come true, you all get my :cookie:


there is no wish


But there is, it’s just slightly paradoxical in nature


Granted, but I get your :moneybag: too.

I wish decamenu would also include an option that removes particles caused by poisons.


Granted, but you can’t see your own either.

I wish decamenu would hide other players


granted but you can’t see your own character and die on all your maxed chars

I wish for useful wishes


Granted, but you can’t read them.

I wish for a pocket-dimension storage item in real life.


Granted, but it causes a singularity, reseting the universe

I wish to have RoTMG’s items in real life


Granted, but you also brought the monsters. Now oryx is wreaking havoc across the globe, and there’s no nexus to tp to, nor character slots/second chances (unless you believe in reincarnation, but you lose the memories anyways).

I wish for a movie about this to be made by someone other than me.