Cost / Price to max each class (4/8 6/8 8/8)


Continuing the discussion from Cost/Price to max each class (4/8 6/8 8/8):

I was looking to embed the sheets so you wouldn’t have to go out of the forums but apparently there’s some forum settings that have to be tinkered with. :c

This version lets you input prices of pots and calculate approximately how many defs/lifes you would be spending to max a character (4,6,8)/8. Looking at the glass half-empty, how many defs/lifes you’d lose every time you died on a (4,6,8)/8 character.

Also added Samurai.


Who found a Easter egg?


Oh wait wtf, how did you see that? I thought I hid that sheet because it was for the original post.

Also I think it’s interesting to estimate the worth of your graveyard, looking at just 8/8’s I have 24 dead 8/8’s which if you’re estimating it costs ~40 life on average to 8/8 a character, that means at one point I’ve possessed close to 1000 life in items. 1k life, if I had never died I’d be rich!


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