Could the The Untiered Drops page be sorted by how many people have them?


I think it would be really cool if that page was automatically updated to sort them by the number of each one that currently exists in realmeye’s player database.

New players would easily be able to see which dungeon they have to grind if they want a certain UT weapon, and old players could see what the most desireable drop they own is.

edit: it would also be cool if it displayed that number of items for each UT in another column.


Realmeye isn’t Muledump; They can’t see your inventory and vault.


The UT page already does that, and older players know which items are good/bad. I think the way it is arranged now is good.


I prefer the wiki keeps them solidly listed using something hard & factual (eg by DPS or by date brought into the game) rather than something subject to fluctuations where they could continually swap order between one month to the next.

I wonder if they’d consider using their database to make stats pages on the main RealmEye site of all the items currently being used.

Eg. Daggers (seen over the last 2 weeks):
T0: 5438 (5%) - T1: 324 (0.2%) - T2:… T13: 35755 (25%)
Cronus: 2 (0.00001%) - Etherite: 3575 (10%) - Bone Dagger 927 (5%)

With of course nice pics of the items, clickable through to the pages, etc. same as on player pages.

Would be interesting to see stats pulled together in this way! @MrEyeball


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