Crashers (DECA Do Something FFS)


Ahh thanks for putting it so simply


how about being able to create a private instance of the bazaars that requires a passcode to access?


There are people who leak in the discords


oh I thought we were talking about crashing in general not just discord


It’s not just the death, these crashers are botting and hacking for the simple purpose of killing people and making their Discord servers die, they put tons of work and effort into these Discords and these people are trying to destroy it, I’ve heard a couple raid leaders say that they might quit running the Discords if it doesn’t stop.

/kick and /vote wouldn’t be a good solution to this problem, it will end up being exploited by scammers to /kick people from runs that they pay for.

A better solution would be private market places or ‘meetingplaces’ in which people could join by entering a password, this wouldn’t be exploitable by scammers, and crashers wouldn’t be able to join. Maybe they could even add a /kick to the meetingplace so the person that made the meetingplace could kick any crashers or people that guess the password.


Still doesn’t solve the problem of discord leakers.
When I was in LHZ, someone constantly tipped off Thuggin

Unless you can rotate passwords or make it so that once you’re kicked there’s a time limit


How about no one on your block list can enter dungeons you open? That would be a more innocent-until-proven-guilty system and would allow you to open without friending everyone you open for.


Maybe let us be able to set a password when we pop key or something


I would assume that, if this were implemented, after you’re kicked you’re permanently banned from that specific instance, this could be undone by using another command, maybe /unkick or something.


I personally think that adding a menu to enter a password after a dungeon was opened would be unnecessary and draw out the key-popping process.


Its easy to solve that problem. figure out who the leaker is and ban them. the idea of a password-protected place/dungeon is good for addressing stalkers/hackers that crash, leakers is just a personnel issue.


I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a big LH or Shatters discord, because it is nearly impossible to find who is leaking. Password protected dungeon will do nothing to prevent people from crashing


could maybe a party system ingame work?


This is a fun discussion. :stuck_out_tongue:


I never said it has to be done fast. but once you can rule out stalkers/hackers, all you have to do is keep track over many runs to deduce who it is. obviously itll get harder with multiple leakers/crashers, but still possible.

of course, this premise is based on the above suggestion, and there are other variables not accounted for.


Cut off one head, two more will grow in its place. That’s how it is with crashers


So you’re saying write down the names of all 80 ppl in the run every time and then analyze the data to determine who was always in the run with the crasher? Not only is such data collection and analysis unrealistic (though maybe someone could make a bot to do it), it does not guarantee a determinate result, and even if you get strong correlation it isn’t proof of leaking.


Dang this came up again? I thought a lot of people agreed the problem can’t be solved, there isn’t going to be a silver bullet to solve all our problems. It is just the downside to games with players interacting with each other. Just like when Realmstock and other Rotmg merch started, everyone wanted to ban them, but you can’t stop it, how can you tell? I say that tho it is undesireable with hackers, there is no way to stop them ( plz no hurtz me, just expressing my opinions)


well with proper proof the ones hacking can be banned at least which while not what the goal of this chat is is better then nothing


There’s a difference between bots that spam messages on nexus and people entering private raid dungeons to drag enemies, kill other players, or overall ruin the experience of the game…