Crashers (DECA Do Something FFS)


That’s only the initial screening to narrow down the list, I never said that it was proof. I am sure there are tricks out there to flush out leakers.
Anyways, this is all based on the introduction of some sort of mechanism to weed out stalkers/hackers/bots and leaves only the leaking possibility, so no need to get so caught up on the specifics.


Well according to what you said it would be easy to catch them. From what I’ve seen, they’ve nearly halted SBC runs.


I was responding to your argument against password protected dungeons. you leave only leakers as the only way to crash, thus controlling a lot more variables than currently. With less variables, easier to solve.


The problem with that is with servers like LHZ, they would have to give out the password for people to enter the dungeon, Which could obviously be leaked by rogue raiders


These following solutions have been presented to us:

  1. a password
  2. the power to kick (if opener)
  3. secret meeting place
  4. secret meeting place with password
    and finally
  5. A secret meeting place with password with the power to kick if opener.

None of these are perfect. Some solutions just aren’t that effective at deterring crashers (especially leakers) and some are very inconvenient for both DECA and the players.


Idk I find #5 pretty perfect.

New portal in nexus that leads you to a different instance per password


It’s near perfect for deterrence.
It may become a nuisance becuz

Passwords must be given out
which creates the problems
b)Passwords would most likely be given over VC, thus leaving a large room for human error
c) just annoying af honestly

location must be leaked
a) leakers
b) DECA needs to create new place?
WOuld this need to be rented by LHZ or someone like them? Or would they just register their own rooms? idk man I ain’t a computer

Power to kick
a) can be abused



IDK your c point has the most merit here but just having a window come up asking for a password when you double click a key would be nice.

Yes I strayed away from #5 now :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. The raid group. The raid/guild leaders can create a permanent group in which they could add all their discord/guild members/friends. Then they could also add their key opener when they’re doing a private dungeon and remove him afterwards. The key opener would have the option to make his dungeon only enterable for a certain raid group.


I just realized something.
Say, if raid groups do get implemented (which I highly doubt, it’s a bit complicated), then where will the current dungeon crashes go?
They’ll go to normal realms and bully other players.

You know the dungeon crashers - they have an annoyingly high amount of stamina for trying to crash (they probably get some kinda messed up kick out of it idk). Do you think that once they are unable to crash dungeons, they’ll just simple stop? No, of course not. They’re going to try to find a way to revenging the fact that they are unable to crash dungeons anymore.
If they are unable to crash dungeons, they will probably resort to bullying the rest of the realm this way, taking advantage of afk players and dragging, playing with lag and dragging god walls, perma cloak, etc.
So even if you did manage to get the idiots who destroy your discords to have to stop, they won’t stop being idiots in general.

I think running a LH discord isn’t as straight forward or unfair as it seems; think of all the loot you get from them! Way more than any wc, shatters, or any other dungeon.
I’m assuming for some people, without crashers, LH actually gets quite boring, because doing the same dungeon over and over again always gets mundane, no matter the difficulty (might take longer though). The difficulty, both to organize and play through a LH is only part of the challenge for this insane loot; you have to deal with the crashers without preventing them from crashing the servers.


Today i died in a pup…
There was over 100 peopels and some peopels dragged and i was like 10-15 fps and i was running and when i got a framedrop i died.
I’m ok with a simple death like i died becouse i was rushing a dungeon but becouse of fps,lagg,framedrops and dragg…And Deca do nothing.
So i think they shoud make a limit of players in a dungeon or a server with some rooms with passwords like u enter “MeetPlace” server and u see alot of rooms and if u want to enter u need to enter a password and if the owner of the room wants to give you the password you can enter and to be able to use /kick and /vote only in that server.


that’s a lesson for you to learn; dont rush a dungeon with more than 100 people in it…


I agree with @MetaphorMe, people on your block list are unable to enter your dungeons. This is a very easy fix to the issue and will stop the problem completely.


I love 2) power to kick and I don’t see how it could be abused. I’d prefer power to kick + black list, with the black list being something one can read and edit, like a not-a-friend list.


No keys becoming tradeable will be a disaster


Image result for lul

Scamming is a thing


Fortunatly key scamming isnt a thing atm /s


If you don’t mind explaining, how would it make scamming a worse thing that it is now?


Opener opens, you pay, they kick you. Or you pay, they open and then kick. Any order, but it gives openers some very abusable power.


Or you pay and they dont open.