Crooked UT concepts | Mirror prism and rose waki


Some UT concepts for this dungeon I’ve been working on. Not quite sure what the sprites should be or what they should do beyond the general concepts.

Mirror Mirror: Prism
“An ornate hand mirror with a twisted crack in the face, your reflection is always smiling back”
“Your reflection always smiles back, don’t look too deeply less your doppleganger pull you in”
“A captured doppleganger waits patiently to take your place”

  • not sure what the desc should be
possibility 1

MP cost: 150
Duration: 4s
Cooldown: 10s
Effect: stasis and invisibility on self for 4s. Summons a mirror prison in your place, additionally summons a doppleganger ally. The mirror constantly inflicts stasis for 1s to all enemies that get within .5 tiles. The doppleganger wanders around like the bee summons from the bee helmet, shooting projectiles that do 500 damage every .6 seconds with a range of 4 tiles.
Stat bonus: +35mp, +5 wis, -10 hp
Fame bonus: 6%

possibility 2

MP cost: 150
Duration: 7s
Cooldown: 8s
Effect: Invisibility on self, summons a decoy that follows you like a pet with a distance of two tiles maximum
Stat bonus: +50mp, +5 spd, +2 def
Fame bonus: 4%

Doppleganger sprite.

Book of Thorns / Blue rose: Tome / Wakizashi
“A thorn by any other name would cut just as deep”
“The struggle against biting bramble is one of hopeless masochism”
“Trusty, dusky, vivid, true, with eyes of gold and bramble-dew, steel-true and blade-straight, these thorns of rose shall mutilate”

  • descriptions are hard to come up with.

I ditched the tome idea, but I like the sprite so it’s staying up.

Waki stats

Basically a scepter
MP cost: 120
Damage: 650, effected by wis mod
Range: 5
Shots: 1 within a 25` cone, lightning arc is green with blue sparkles
Shots only shoot if they would hit a target, like with normal scepters
Targets: 1 + 1 for every 15 wis over 50
Effect: Expose to all enemies hit + 1s of +5 wis to party within 3 tiles.
Stat bonus: +5 wis, +10mp, -10 vit, -15 hp, +3 def
Fame bonus: 6%

All criticisms, balance ideas, sprite change ideas, descs, etc are all very appreciated.

Additionally thinking of maybe making a cloak that inflicts darkness on self. Any stat ideas for that? Maybe a ring that gives like +830 vit and -200hp and -25 def?


Excursionist’s Echo UT
Mana cost 80
Effect Summon a mirror at your cursor’s location. A decoy is summoned opposite your location relative to the mirror. The decoy will follow your movements as long as the mirror persists.
Duration 4 seconds
Stat Bonuses +2 DEF, +4 WIS


@Striix’ idea of the decoy mirroring your movements is :ok_hand:t5:.
I think your idea plus his would make it so original.


Thank you!


this feels like it can be a class that mirrors what you/ your allies are doing!


yikes :wink:


Oh look it’s the messy rose wakis
Seems cool and I still like the mirror sprites


so basically tricksters are required in the crooked realm


Ditto confirmed for smash 5.


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