Crown on which character?


I got an ice crown during the event and I was wondering which character would be the best to put it on. It’s currently on my warrior as of now, but I’m getting second thoughts.

  • Warrior
  • Archer
  • Knight
  • Ninja
  • Mystic/Trix (less desirable)

0 voters


No love for archer?


no love for ninjen?


Hm🤔 kinda surprised yeah


For warrior it’ll give you the highest dps, but for archer, it’ll probably stick around longer


You got that right lol

(Last warrior, not current)


I would use it on mystic, that might just be me liking mystic though.


I like mystic too but I feel like it’s a waste for some reason


Mystic needs the dps though as without a T6 orb it can be low, plus HP is always nice (if you really want to improve Mystic DPS while having a T6 orb, unb dex may be a better choice for an improved buff with crown as a swap out for when you can’t buff yourself)


Yet there are still zero votes for ninja.

Also @PLEBJESUS why you tryna throw the poll results but saying “less desirable” gtfo I’ll show them love you biased ape.


T6 orb is a lot easier to get than a crown, plus mystic solo can do more than enough dps with curse and berserk. Crown is fine, but I think it would be better on other classes.


Oh it’s in the lead now



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