Crystal Assassin ST Set


So, @Noronha gave me the idea to do an Assassin ST Set, but i have no skill to draw the 16x16 character. So i just drew the item sprites and thought it’d be interesting to post them here.

(when i was writing this thread, i noticed @PisakPL also made a Crystal Assassin set. Anyways, it’s different from mine, so…)

###Crystal Edge Dagger

It hungers for blood, but never gets stained. There’s something on it that drains my concentration…


  • Tier: ST
  • Damage:
    Minimum: Increases by 5/s while shooting, starting at 80 and capping at 130. Goes back to 80 if you’re hit by a damaging shot.
    Maximum: Increases by 5/s while shooting, starting at 90 and capping at 140. Goes back to 90 if you’re hit by a damaging shot.
  • Amplitude: 0.4
  • Frequency: 1.5
  • Range: 5.4
  • Stat Bonus: +3 SPD, +30 MP, -1 DEF
  • Fire Rate: Increases by 5/s while shooting, starting at 100% and capping at 150%. Goes back to 100% if you’re hit by a damaging shot.
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 1000

####Drops From:

  • Dunno.
DPS Graphs and Analysis

At max power.

It’s pretty simple, really. A weapon that rewards the player for skill and dodging, dealing more damage than the etherite, but punishes him for being hit. Even a mythril dagger is better than uncharged Crystal Edge, so it’s not a weapon for bad players like me.

###Liquid Sapphire Acid

It makes me feel tired just from looking at it…


  • Tier: ST
  • MP Cost: 100
  • Damage: 600
  • Duration: 5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 5 seconds (-0.1 sec/wis>50)
  • Radius: 4
  • Effect: Daze for 2 seconds
  • Stat Bonus: +3 SPD, -1 DEF, +4 DEX
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 900

###Quartz Crystal Coat

It feels warm on the inside, but cold to the touch.


  • Tier: ST
  • Stats: +10 DEF, +4 ATT, +5 SPD.
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 900

###Gem of the Illusionist

Reality seems to be thinner around it. Some things just weren’t meant to be. | by Seelpit


  • Tier: ST
  • Stat Bonus: -5 DEF, +5 SPD, +5 ATT, +5 WIS, +80 HP, +80 MP.

###Set Bonus:

  • Doubles the Dagger charging speed (10/s instead of 5/s)
  • +4 DEF, +15 ATT, +15 SPD.
  • If you, somehow, have more defense than a bullet’s damage, the dagger won’t stop charging.

Tell me anything you think about balance, ideas for the set or whatever you think on the comments!


Sprites look really cool! :smile:


ty! any opinions on the stats?


Cooldown? can’t he just stack them because hes the worst class in the game or does it not work like that? I forgot if you can stack or not because i barely play it. :confused:


it can stack, but it dazes.


I see…


so i added the cooldown, to make sure that bosses don’t get permadazzed


isnt wis kinda like concentration, so why is mp buffed?

interesting idea hrmmmm


if i see special properties in armor i die inside


Dagger is quite interresting, I like the idea that to deal best damage, you have to focus on dodging. It’s kinda the point of the game, but nowadays people can use priests and pets to tank almost anything. The only problem is with unavoidable attacks like the armor-breaking circles in Nest’s boss, or things like that. Maybe make it so the said dps buff resets only when you get hit by a damaging bullet?

I’m not sure about the poison, but daze in a small zone seems like a nice addition to the assassin’s arsenal.

The armor simply shouldn’t allow to have piercing on any weapon. It’s way too OP for obvious reasons. Apart from that, the stats could be a bit higher, right now it’s a less powerful spectral.

The gem seems pretty nice, a bit like a bracer but with negative def and more general stat boosts. Although the def penalty seems a bit excessive, maybe put it at -2 or -3?

Overall great sprites and idea, balancing isn’t perfect but the ideas are original and with a little more work on the stats and such, it will be awesome. 8.5/10.


oh lol i forgot to remove that


gonna add that, didn’t think of unavoidable attacks

that isn’t intended, i forgot to delete that while i was writing. and it’s supposed to be weak, 'cause you need the whole set to make it worthwhile. kind of like the forgotten ring.

you’ll lose 7 def by using the whole set, but the bonus will make it only -3 def. the penalty is big because i think that would force players to use the whole set.


That’s actually not a bad idea. Many players would consider it as shit, but if the full set is good, then it won’t be that trash.

The problem with current ST sets is that armors are pretty good and rings are useless. Making both armors and rings decent (even if not usable compared to other items) will surely be a great thing. Great work on this set.


thanks :slight_smile:


The set bonus gives you 4 def but all the items together take away 7 def and the armor only gives 10. What? So you’d only get 7 def from the whole set? Just seems completely underpowered to have so much negative def across the individual items without it being balanced by the full set bonus.


the def stat hurts me. So little deffff. I woukd definetely use that ring on knight tho


but that’s exactly what i wanted

it’s a set based on dodging, what did you expect


bump xd


assasin will have 106 spd wow


add a speed sprout to that