Crystal Nodachi [UT Katana]


Thanks for your comment & Feedback :+1: & enjoy :ok_hand:

Crystal Nodachi

  • In-game description of the item goes here
    Legend say that this Great Nodachi is 1,000,000 million years old


  • Projectile



  • Tier: UT
  • Damage: 100 - 390
  • Range: 4.6
  • Rate of Fire: 80%
  • Special properties: image Shots hit multiple targets
  • Fame Bonus: 6%
  • Feed Power: 900

Drops From:

  • Loot bagimage

  • Drop location : Crystal Entity

Use by : Ninja, Samurai

More info

Give us a little idea of what inspired you to create this item. Got a story or some lore to go along with it? Great!


Drop location would need to be switched up since the Crystal Entity currently drops 5 white bags not to mention T14 armors and a pet skin, so id consider making them drop from the Minions on the way to boss like.

As well as making a variation of each of the weapons similar to the katana making it so each of them drop them in the form of a Cyan since it would be used as a slightly buffed version of the T12 or maybe T13 with exception that it takes after the Spirit dagger.

Besides that stuff, the katana looks good overall in terms of range and ROF, as well as Damage, considering it can do up to 390.


smh no one realized the purple bois are actually called Crystallized boomers.



ok boomer


judging by how you worded it, iā€™m just gonna assume 1 million million is 1 trillion. So, older than the universe itself?


I mean, who knows? Just the Realm of Oryx could be quadrillion years old, and the universe could be twice that. TBH, though, he probably made a mistake there.


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