Cube-Related Fame Bonuses


We all know the Friend of the Cubes Fame Bonus. It’s one of the easiest to get in the game, because it literally requires you to do nothing. Well… we have a Friend of the Cubes, why not go the opposite way?

Enemy of the Cubes
Achieved by: Killing 1,000 Cubes

Nemesis of the Cubes
Achieved by: Killing 25,000 Cubes

Gelatin Annihilator
Achieved by: Having 5% of kills be to Cubes

Gelatin Bounty Hunter
Achieved by: Having 30% of kills be to Cubes

Oops, I didn’t mean to!
Achieved by: Having 1 Cube Kill
Note: Having more than 1 Cube Kill will remove this bonus


stop, please stop. This Oops, I didn’t mean to! has gone far enough. Those poor cubes :cry:


I’d rather grind for chest events then get 25k kills tbh


It’s more of a convenience thing. If you get it, then you do, but if you don’t, then you don’t.


Looks like Bloodranz has a long way to go


I would like there to be “make up” bonuses if you screw up the weird ones like this that reward 0 of a stat with a %bonus, to also have some bonuses for hitting a high number.

Eg if we have Thirsty giving a bonus for 0 drunk pots, also add a Parched for 1000 drunk. Not a simple one as statpots can only take you a part of the way, when you hit 8/8 as you gotta start on temporary tinctures or tradeable consumables.

So yeah, count me in for these Cubes ones too.



New/Reworked Fame Bonuses

this is actually hella funny. me like.


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