Cultist Community [LH Discord]


My friend and I have created a new discord server(another one, i know).
If you wanna join, and give it a try.

Purpose of the server?

To give new players the experience of lost halls.
Many discord servers run lost halls with a lot of people, which is good if you wanna stay safe.
But if you wanna try it without a lot of people, this is for you.

Since we do full cults most of the time (because of the people required to do cult), we know what we’re doing!

If you wanna practice leading, this could be for you.

Its simple!
The only requirement is “No Hacks!”

May you all have a great day :smiley:


Perhaps you should add the purpose of the disc to the post


very true.
Will do


oh no


eyy thanks ill join. no requirements is pretty cool


Oh yea.


i recommend a “no hacks” req at the very least. it should be made clear that you won’t tolerate them (if that’s the case).


Updated :slight_smile:


Wait, if you don’t have some sort of req on who goes into the dungeon, it’ll end up having a lot of 0/8s just drag the group down by increasing the hp scale for enemies.
I’d at least require maxed atk and dex.


Thats the requirement for joining.
For running, it will be like you said.
Maxed att and dex


invite invalid


new invite?


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