Cursed is calculated after Exposed, confirmed


I finally got around to making this!
Thanks to @RMGNoob for helping with the Curse on Mystic.




so its

  1. base shot damage (dependant on att, weapon damage and maybe damaging)
  2. enemy def (inclusing armored, armor break and exposed)
  3. curse


Why def test swo- I mean, Ray Katana is best weapon


iirc, expose just increases damage by a flat 20 no matter what, so it’s more like

  1. Base shot damage (Weapon damage * (0.5 + (Att/50)))
  2. Enemy Def
  3. Expose (+20)
  4. Curse (*1.2)


I do believe so.
To show more precisely, with actual numbers:
[2 (DmgModifier) * 111 (base damage)] - [20 (Construct DEF)] + [20 (Exposed effect)] = 222.
222 * 1.2 = 222 + 44.4 = 266.4, rounded down to 266.


But did you get a jugg?


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