Daisho New katana [UT]


*Daishō (Daisho)

dualkatana%20perfect%20size >Shots white%20shot%20good%20size perfect%20size%20blackshot
Two blades crafted for one and other, together they bring perfect balance, as all things should be.

Tier: UT
Shots: 2
Damage: 100 (Average: 100)
Range: 5.0
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 900
Lootbag White bag
Dropped by
Ivory Wyvern
Shooting trajectory ( i dont know how to type the angles etc. but basically it shoots in a X form.

Ideas. First off katanas is my favourite weapon in rotmg, sadly there isnt many UT of them so far, so i decided to make a katana that is a bit unique, it shoots 2 shots in a X trajectory wich makes it have 1 G-spot wich is the middle, hitting both shots will do alot of damage if used right.


To be honest, this would look pretty out of place considering all shots come from the center of a player, that’s not to mention if it’s even codeable, but I like the idea since it would look like you’re attacking with two katanas at once.

200 damage if each hit would be quite the potent weapon however, especially since the angles don’t look to be too far apart. However I guess defense affects both shots so :man_shrugging: I’m not the best at balancing.
Also the true range is fairly low, so that probably balances it out.


Couldn’t help myself.


goddammit. i was about to make a katana with the exact same shot pattern.

im sorry, what?


Compared to t13, it deals more until 35 defence trading off accuracy for 0.25 range. I think it’s pretty well balanced


for me, the blades look kinda thin


seemed pretty fun. hope this demo works :^)

also scratch is easy to use don’t judge :<


More looks like a def test sword Def Test Sword


Not a bad idea. I was thinking of a katana with a similar concept, except one shot is normal while the other shoots like a wakizashi and is aimed as such. I intended for it to be an ST katana for ninja.


nah, why would i judge? i’ve been using scratch for several years because of its ease of use.


Imma judge both of you :stuck_out_tongue:

Scratch is easy to use but very limited in what it can achieve.

javascript is pretty good tho


Agreed. I haven’t used Scratch in quite a long time, so when I logged in a couple days ago, I was a bit confused by the updates and stuff.

JavaScript can go far, but I never got into it too much. Maybe some day.


Based on the hitbox being a single tile as demonstrated in your trajectory graph, with a range that short, I really don’t see the advantage of having this kind of pattern. The max effective range is basically the same as the max range, and while it is different, it doesn’t exactly serve a unique function.


It isn’t supposed to be incredibly special. It just offers a decent amount more dps and range at lower defence in exchange for it being somewhat difficult to land shots on a target near the full range


This is what I’m saying. The max range and the effective range are extremely close, so you may as well just cut down the max range.


No… max range and effective range are different enough for it to be unique. just like how although technichally, etherite max range and effective range are the same, it actually is significant enough.


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