Dancemaster's Taps: Keep moving and grooving for insane DPS


Dancemaster’s Taps
A well-worn pair of dance shoes, well-worn by the great Dancemaster himself. They contain a uniquely strong power, but only if you can feel The Groove.

On Equip:
+60 HP
+4 SPD
+4 ATK

The Groove: If the player is not standing still for more than .5 seconds, gain a permanent +10 DEX, +5 ATK, and +7 SPD buff

I’m not sure if this is currently possible, but I thought this was a neat idea for a strong item with a proc that you had to work around. The bonus speed makes it even harder to keep moving while keeping your damage and dodging up, but the stats are super strong. Of course, since the main idea is the moving proc, the stats can be balanced however which way.


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