Dark Elf Huntress


My second fanart of RotMG, this time I decided to do the dark elf huntress~ Inspiration taken from my favourite Rotmg artist, Squeakwee, if anyone has their suspicions arise x)

Check out my first RotMG fanart, The Lil’ Bo PeeP mystic, below!

Mermaid Goddess Thessal

ok i cant say any bad boy words here but thats some cute art UwU


My very first thought looking at this was “goblin”.

It looks pretty neat - I like the simplistic, cartoony style!


it’s a trap


Dont you fucking dare


I didn’t see the part of her body under the waist at first so it looked like she was giving herself a treat.






@Squeakwee she better ce dis

This fanart is awesome, I especially like that facial expression of a more sneaky huntress…


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