Darkawaiii's PPE thread


k then


what is loot broder



I should be farming for hudl st’s but theyre just popin’ abysses fug



“cringe nae nae baby monkey”


imagine lagging


owo whats dat? a new pee pee? prob failed like the others :>






so since above died cause i sat on a larva heres a poll :, )

  • Pally
  • Huntress
  • Priest
  • Assassin

0 voters


pally overrated vor… but still going to do it


maybe, maybe not


bruh wheres my armor and seal bro


i accept it deca



Thought you pulled the low level oreo for a second


same lul


i wish lmao


I would feel sad if you did because I never got oreo :*<


@Shatter I got a picture of a friend using a hacked client, can I send it?
he got ogmur on a lvl 7 sammy ppe btw


why u sent that here bro