Dear players who dont help clearing udls [during "clear UDL" chest event]


Oh like monsters you receive xp from in a udl increase your chance of getting loot? Interesting


I agree but I can see why for tombs though. Just rushed a tomb on my priest and died :confused:
But for UDLS, everyone should be clearing cuz theres little to no chance of death


Hmm… then rogues because much less viable. They rush, and don’t really clear any monsters at all. They can’t pierce except for the bone dagger and queen’s stinger dagger, and don’t have good dps. Trying to clear instead of rush puts them at a disadvantage, as they were not meant to clear. Classes with high dps like warrior and wizard, classes with high mobility like trickster and ninja, as well as multi-targeting classes like sorcerer all outclass the rogue. While rogue does indeed have good mobility, it doesn’t really have much else to edge out other classes. A similar case is found with priests, as it is much harder to kill the minions or monsters in a dungeon using priest rather than other classes that can easily mow them down. While these disadvantages may be nullified if they find a new room, people can always just tp (or wait to tp in the case of a rogue). Furthermore, there wouldn’t be any new rooms to clear because everyone is clearing the dungeon in an attempt for better chances of loot. As such, the idea is good, but needs reworking. Perhaps the increase in the likelihood of getting loot would be adjusted based on the classes dps and ability to clear. Also, the amount of people in the dungeon should also be factored in. For instance, a warrior who killed 30 enemies would receive the same increase in likelihood of loot as a priest who killed 15. And, a warrior who killed 10 minions in a dungeon with 50 people would have the same increase as a warrior who killed 30 in a dungeon with 10 people.


Implementation might be difficult, but yeah it’s a good idea. Like go fast, or help clear a bit for better chances at loot?


I had forgotten my pet (I don’t know how I constantly do that)


I thought its pro player experience :stuck_out_tongue:


I do. it because I L A G


Looks like one complete word

Weird period after do.


Only for dungeons with active event chests though, because that can be stupidly exploited during regular play.

A blue star who clears some random bats in a sew shouldn’t have a better chance at murky than the guy who rushed the entire thing (again, when there’s no event).


I agree, only for chest events is what I had in mind.


you still have a pet on those


If anything it’s capitalism, the people in the chest room are just sitting idly by and getting more out of it than the people doing anything.


Chest spawn cooldown - (1s * [round(% kills) + round(% explored)])


Very interesting. I like it.

Expect people to roast you though: “Dooing moar damaje to chest doesn’t giv you morr lewt arghhh!!”


That’s not the point. If you go into a dungeon with a large group but only a small group helps clear, then the few extra seconds they get to damage the chest while everyone else is still waiting for the cooldown could make the difference in their sb damage.


I know, I’m all with you.

Just making the inb4 post


well if someone shouts at me not even helping, I’m only 0/8 and why should I go rush udls with only 15 def




I regret that I have but one like to give to this post.


bruh ik u added an near invisible idk there. I can clear udls ,I can’t rush udls, big difference?