Dear players who dont help clearing udls [during "clear UDL" chest event]


Tiles seen or # of players that teleport to you could be used as a metric. Or clearing a dungeon could provide better drops for the entire dungeon and then good players would clear the dungeon anyways for the better drops.


then nerf WARRIOR!!!


I wouldn’t say he needs a nerf as much as it is that speed clearing/rushing is just up the warriors alley


it gets outclassed even by the wizard :thonk:



(This isn’t even a complete solution, dont half bake your shit)


grind the heck out of herms, get jugg and put it on ur warrior and now u have a wizard’s dps along with the knights def


an item that some people don’t have after playing for 5+ years. Half-baked as shit.


then go and tell the rngesus to get u one.

or t6 helmet and your having a semi ninja/ semi wizard


To be honest, I feel the same way. Personally, I’m fine with leechers(generally), but in an abyss or UDL or something and there is not a rusher, just help clear. The abyss monsters have 500 health at most, and 2 people can easily steamroll them. I do leech from time to time(only when there is a rusher in like ddocks or ot’s or something) so I can’t criticize leechers, but when there isn’t a rusher in an abyss, udl, etc, just HELP CLEAR IT GOES SOOOOO MUCH FASTER!


Not really leeching if there is rushers, that is called waiting, leeching is doing so without rushers


Who even clears them? Many people rush them


The post was made during an udl chest event that required the dungeon to be cleared


That bump though




good meme


i totally agree


Everyone please stop bumping my gosh !


I mean its still kind of relevant.


no event tho


UDL is easy to clear, the only problem I think people would face would be the slime room but even those are easy given some time and patience.