Deca Producer Letter - August 2019


this puts a smile on face


I hope so, the game is getting really dry

from what weā€™ve seen so far Iā€™ve regained all of, if not more hope than I previously had for the Unity port.

If this isnā€™t done right, and if they donā€™t work on making the game better in other aspects after the port is released, then Iā€™m going to be very disappointed.


Wait hold on does this mean Toast will post patch notes to the forums officially?



Yet they have now introduced 1.5x Exp into their events. So if you donā€™t participate in the events, now you not only miss out on better loot than at normal times, but a wedge of fame too, and all best obtained through mass steamroller dungeon chains.

Do they even know what theyā€™re doing?


is this the beginnings of Nevov raging?

I would love to see that.


I donā€™t really feel any rage at the state of things, more sighs of irritation that of all the options they could choose, they design something that goes in the opposite direction from what theyā€™re supposedly trying to achieve. Like, are they oblivious to what they recently announced, or just donā€™t care.


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