Deca scammed me


As long as you never log out and back in to the forums, you will always be a white star to us :wink:

My star matches my picture now, so that is at least a small win.


Me without a white star is the same as a soulless being.

I’ve always wanted to be a white star, and I finally did it. Then deca took it away from me. Sad life.


Admittedly I had a head start (and the luck of not having any stars unaccounted for because of the bugs), but I’m pretty happy I still at least have yellow star. Fits with my realmeye skin theme too :wink: .


probably melees, maybe bow classes, samurai, possibly just everything except wizard?? lol


So you are avoiding every class except Wizard?


pretty much at least for the time being, been trying to exalt it and I don’t play rotmg much so focusing on wizard helps speed up the slow process (and also why not just focus only on my favourite(s) in any case, it’s just not worth it to me to not have fun)


I’m yellow to blue… (Or at least before Bard I was yellow lol)


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