December Login Rewards Calendar


So we only can get 1 primal per day? what do I do with the other 35 shards in my vault? >n<


the rate got nerfed so i’d hold onto them


I’ve been getting like 3 per christmas enemy :thinking: :


This calendar is DOPE!! Instamax candies + vault slot + char slot = too awesome


I know! This is the best calendar yet



I spy with my one little eye: ambrosia, lots of candies, vault and char slot, and a skin! This is better than MotMG calender and everything else!




The vault chest and character slot is a blessing to all NPE’s out there.




Calendar is practically, one of the best calendars all year. Free 6/8, Char Slot, Vault Chest, Ambrosia, Santa Skin, food and much more! Its mental!


there’s no wis, it’s a 5/8 with a extra spd :slight_smile:


Didn’t realise that. Thanks for correcting me.


I mean who needs wis anyway?

unless you’re a pally or necro or priest


Question: santa is sb right? the other skins in calender have been.


whisper : or sorc


No he isn’t real. If he was, he is ded now.


Is the santa wizard skin tradable or not


Hover over it on the calendar and it should tell you


It was a joke dude.


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For new month, see: :arrow_right: January 2018 Login Rewards Calendar