Decker why


i was liegite considering quitting lol


oof, maybe next time if you get good loot you should nexus.


have you heard of insta?


lmao couldve nexused when you got the sword


wheres the fun in that


why do you record when it makes you lag so bad?


Bruh thats only 2 life why dont you buy it if you need it.


I lost 6L trying to buy a Deca in trade server when someone popped one and got stack shotted so don’t cry about a 1.5-2L reskin


it doesnt make me lag kek


then my computer was lagging while watching the video
kinda ironic


Truly not that sad. I died with an 6/8 paladin wearing pixie, t6 seal reskin, almadine armor, and ring of decades to the exact same thing. Not to mention I was carrying accliam winter reskin and accrop along with 40 hearts. When I was watching this video, thought you were going to get a leaf bow and die with that. That would be tragic


Funny enough, the same thing happened when I got leaf bow, 3 shards, 2 mg set pieces in 1 wlab then died in the next to lag + larva shotgun :slight_smile:


See that’s actually tragic. But not because of the MG set. Only because of the leaf bow… I love leaf bow :smiley:


So the smart thing to do is to go into a very risky dungeon on a 0/8 character carrying a rare item he can’t even use?

lol k


When I used to die to things like that I think i was able to quit the game and turn my computer off and walk away before the death screen even popped up.


Obviously, yes. And how do you call that a rare item. Anyone can afford the loss of one 2L worth item so keeping that in mind you should be able to stay in the chain. U can call it very risky and with a 0/8 char but then what was the point in entering in the first place?


The point of entering was to try obtain a rare item, where MG Sword would be considered one and albeit it might not be worth much to you, saying that “anyone” can afford the loss of a substantially priced item is a joke because there would be many players in the game to which 2 life would be a small fortune and therefore valuable to them. Obviously it’s Starwartwo’s own judgement to gauge whether the risk of continuing and getting a better item is worth it but for a lot of people nexusing straight after getting a MG Sword would be the smart thing to do.


What’s the big deal about losing a chain? Plenty of people in the game are nice enough to frequently chain in nexus.


I would normally say “feelsbadman” but today, I’ll say



rip ;-; feelsbad

dont worry tho
a guy in our guild xxdanboxx was on a ppe ninja, when he got a ppe masa, then got aleafbow in the next. He died in the third and lost the lefbow, and a ppe ninja with a masa