Defense Rings Suck


They’re also greater


One freaking month later


Repeating the same comment doesn’t change my point of contention.

The debate of health versus defense has been a running conversation since the days of the Wild Shadow forums. Pets have since swiftly ended that conversation. When or if OoC hits production, the old battle will become a conversation again.


But glawi’s formula doesn’t take into account healing pets, yet hp still comes out on top…


I don’t care. I don’t have any other point that I want to get across other than that.


Sorry, I’m a bit confused. What exactly is IC/OoC?


In combat, out of combat


In combat/out of combat, a feature that was being tested by Deca a while back. To summarise, taking enough damage would put you in combat, largely nerfing the pet until you avoid damage for enough time to go out of combat, which is similar to the current pets and also doubles vit and wis regen I think.
Plus some other proposed buffs and nerfs to classes.


Wait this reminds me of in skyblock hypixel if you are in combat you can’t tp home. So if you are attacking you will not be fully healed. Right? That is my guess.


“In combat” in that context meant that you were hit (I think only projectiles that do >50 damage count) in the last 3 seconds


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