Defining Hacking, and why is it so bad?


When it comes down to it, what is playing RotMG really worth? Absolutely nothing. Pixels. Nothing more. It’s not like the rest of the world gives a damn that you and I are “being successful” inside our little make believe world. But there is one thin I get from it, and that’s the sense of excitement and achievement I get when I’ve just gotten a new white bag item or something. And it feels good to know that as a result of my hard work and patience, I got the item/maxed character that I wanted. Now if I were to hack and do all that, that small sense of accomplishment, the only reason I play Realm anymore, would be gone. And there’d be no point. But that’s just me.

Also, regarding this statement: [quote=“Pokemonha, post:29, topic:3342”]
If you’re such a hater on the non harmful version, (because I completely agree on the harmful kind), then you should leave.

I resent this so much. You were way out of line here. Don’t try to turn this around by actually saying that what goes against the clearly defined rules is okay. Auto aim is probably the only thing that I could let slide. But auto nexus essentially grants invincibility, non-debuffing is completely unfair, and reconnecting pisses me off to no end. No-clipping didn’t bother me in Sprite Worlds until people started purposely stranding me in the middle of the black when I teleported to them. Then that pissed me off too.

My point is that I am firmly against hacking because it completely takes the point out of learning to play the game, and effectively renders it pointless to play. HOWEVER, if no one can tell you’re obviously doing it, go right ahead. It won’t piss me off until I can tell you’re blatantly cheating. If not, like I said before, I’ll have no issue with you. Just please don’t go around trying to make legit players feel bad for not condoning “non-harmful hax.” Peace.


You want to be good and pro? Want to feel good about yourself? Want to be up there with the good players?

Put effort and time into the game, enough of it and you can be considered ‘pro’ and ‘good’

Why should you be able to call yourself good and pro when you’re using things to make the game easier for yourself? Why should you be able to compare yourself to people, e.g. @Shatter, who have put thousands of hours(and dollars) into the game, whilst you just spent 5 minutes downloading a hacked client? Why should you be able to have an unfair advantage over other players? Ask yourselves these questions.


I also know people that ive played with that has used hacks. And to be honest i do get everyone elses point in their emotional connection to the game and the hackers getting loot cause of reconnect and legit players getting zero but 99% of the times none of this matters. Its not a teambased game. If a player enjoys the game but simply isnt the best at it i do think if they wish to they can used a hacked client or similar. It doesnt affect me in anyway since 10 people in a dungeon or 11 people in a dungeon doesnt mean i wouldve gotten that white that i didnt get just because some hacker reconnected. Im not against hacking, but that doesnt mean that i hack myself. Its a choice i have, i can make it easier for myself like many others do, or you can play legit like many others do. Point is theres no point in being angry or having a grudge against people using hacks since it wont get you anywhere. Same as saying that those that hack are lazy, bad or just people who doesnt want to work for anything to get good at it isnt true. Several of those i know who does hack are hard working people who in one aspect is taking a shortcut meanwhile a legit rotmg player takes a shortcut somewhere else. The aspect of suboptimisation.


HARRY POTTER ALL OVER AGAIN, you’re a wizard @Shatter



One of the foundations of RotMG is supposed to be co-op. Why do you think this game is a MMO exactly?

No. If you want to play a game, you play it by the rules. Flipping the board over because you don’t like getting your ass beat in chess is what a toddler would do.

True, I’ve seen people whose anti-cheating stances had taken a turn for the absurd and made them look worse than the cheaters themselves. However, I could also argue that there is no logical reason for us to tolerate cheating, and especially not when most cheaters act like obnoxious jackasses.

I don’t think you realized, while typing this, that all it amounts to is you crying because we don’t like your friends, instead of giving us a reason why we should tolerate them.

Except the very definition of a legit player is that they don’t take shortcuts outside the game to progress. False equivalence.

Again: if you guys think this game is suboptimal, then why are you even playing it? Did you somehow miss the millions of other video games available on the market? Is there a guy holding a gun to your mother’s head and forcing you to play RotMG?


Wait wait wait wait what? Notice, I said

That doesn’t mean I’m just an all around hacker? That’s like saying if you’ve ever drinken alcohol then you’re an alcoholic and should go to rehab. You completely misunderstood my point, the point was not that I’m a hacker, but that I’m a hacker because I have other things to do. And thanks for all the positive feedback, just started posting here and about 2 people have made efforts at positiveness


OK so first off, someone please edit out the line at the end, completely uncalled for. This shouldn’t have anything to do with real lives. Second, the point that you’re trying to make is that “legit” players never take shortcuts outside the game. That is completely false. I used to be one of the legit RotMG players, and I realized how trash my grades were, (a B and a C) and quit. Couple weeks ago I wanted to jump back in to RotMG, but didn’t want to ruin my grades, especially because they were really important this year. So, instead of

by your words, take a shortcut in real life. I found a hack. Now, I can play RotMG, max a character, but all mostly legit. There is no god hack. Its only autoaim. If I auto-nexus before getting to oryx, will I get any loot? No.

I really can’t understand you at this point? Did your dad hack or something? Is that way you hate it so much? (Sorry got to pay the love back). I think that you honestly didn’t realize that this is a video game. If you thought this was real life, where a bad decision in realm means a bad decision in real life, then you’re wrong. Can’t help this, I really need to teach you now. The point @WorldFlux was trying to make was that RotMG doesn’t equal real life. I suggest you take a break. Don’t forget, you probably (I hope) have family out there. Go say hi. It might help a bit.




I should be able to do this, because I choose to. Its analogous, in a way, to choice of video games. If I choose Halo over Destiny, and I become number one player in the world of Halo. Nobody in Destiny is going to lose their rank. I’m not saying I’m a pro, with or without hacks, or that I’m as good (I wish) as Scorchmist. I’m just saying that if I choose to make a decision, that most everyone can make, namely the choice to download a hack, then I can choose that way. If you think that there is a way to be good and pro, without spending more than 30 minutes a day, go ahead, tell me, please. If your way is good, I’ll stop playing hacks and restart my kongregate account.


1- you know you can edit a post?

2- on forums we tend to like putting or points into one post.


Apologies if it sounded as if I was trying to attack you because you hacked; that’s for RMG to do (I’m Canadian see, I can’t physiologically roast).

It did sound that I was trying to imply that you were an all-around Bad person and I’d like to clarify that I’m not because I’ve never actually met you.

I didn’t really like the alcohol reference because it doesn’t really work with what I’m trying to say. Drinking a bit of alcohol for fun does not equate to taking a shortcut from A to B while potentially compromising ethical values.

(Jeez I’m on a phone and it’s hard to keep up with your new posts o.0)

While you’re right in that RotMG has nowhere the importance it should have in ones ‘real life’, the whole point of this discussion was to answer your original question of ‘Why is hacking viewed in such a bad light despite having such little relative impact on others?’ Ultimately even ent sitting and killing others character isn’t that bad; the characters are worth less than $50 at most, much less harmful than what some of the banks do. But it’s the idea of cheating that makes it so viewed badly, not the absolute impact that it had on others.

If you watch sports, does it really matter that a team wins? But if another team plays foul in order to win, everyone will go anal.

(That kills my thumbs, next time I have to type that much I’m switching to a laptop)


I liked the first half, very nice. I feel that the hack is OK because its not like you guaranteed get a white bag every time. I still have to do dungeons a lot (lol got holy wand yesterday). I still have to earn all 40 def to max my knight (which just died 3/8 :frowning: ). All no clip does, assuming you don’t use it maliciously, is speed up your sprite process, and that’s it nothing else.

For the part about leaving, that was meant to be sarcasm. Sorry, I actually didn’t know what /s meant until about yesterday. The point I was trying to make was that for the haters who cannot tolerate people hacking, no matter what kind of hacks, then learn to live with it. Either that or quit the game, hence leave.


Again: if you don’t have time to play a MMO game, then why did you start playing a MMO game? Stop demanding that everybody else bend over backwards for you and try to think by yourself.

That’s the entire definition of legit: someone who can be good at the game using only the tools provided by the game itself.

I don’t think you understand what hatred is. I am merely explaining to you that so far you have no point and that I still have no reason to tolerate cheaters. It’s not my fault that none of your arguments make any logical sense.

Then why are you guys cheating if none of this matters to you? I’m not the one who took this game so seriously he had to cheat. I’m not the guy who can’t just quit and pick a game that appeals more to him because he can’t stand the idea of leaving a game unbeaten.

All this posturing isn’t going to change the fact that you’re cheating on a silly online video game and are so insecure about it you need to come here and cry about it.

So stop crying for 5 minutes and try to follow your own advice.


Wait, I didn’t come here to cry, are you completely stupid? whatever just going to ignore you and see what happens.


See, this is exactly what I’m talking about: you have no point. All you can do is complain about how mean I am, because you have no counter-arguments whatsoever.

You want to talk about real life? Here’s an actual piece of advice: learn to not act entitled and to make your own decisions. Stop asking to be spoon-fed everything, start putting some effort into making things work out.

As for other games you could be playing right now, Magic Barrage is basically the same as RotMG except with auto-aim and no permadeath. Or you could buy something like The Binding of Isaac or Terraria. Or you could go play League of Legends. Again, you have millions of games to choose from, so why waste time here, where you’ll never belong?


that’s what this entire thread has devolved into for you


gain unauthorized access to (data in a computer).
“hacking private information from computers”

To be honest, I kind of understand where @Pokemonha is coming from.
He wants people to understand that, even though some people hack, they aren’t bad people. He wants people to know that hacking doesn’t have to be malicious.

That much I understand.

However, I still don’t think it is right to hack. RotMG is a MMO, and you have to put time into it to get “good”. It is like an investment. You put your time in, and eventually, you will get a reward, such as good feelings, or a nice item. Hacking is not an investment. You are not putting time into the game, your just trying to take a shortcut so you don’t have to put time into the game.

Honestly, all that effects is you. If you don’t want to put time into a game, it’s not my problem. No-Clip is not a good thing. There is no way you can describe it as good. You can, however, try and say that it isn’t bad.

However, when you start using No-Clip to trap people in a void, it gets bad. Using reconnect ruins other people chances at loot, and give you an unfair advantage as you had to nexus for mistakes you made. Using auto-nexus is also unfair, as you have a much fast reaction speed than those who are using there fingers to click a key.

Yes. It is. You literally just explained why it is bad. As a human, can you instantly press the nexus key whenever you reach, let’s say, 200 HP? No. You can’t. So using auto-nexus is unfair to all those regular human’s like us out there.

True, it can’t make any lives worse. However, it is a selfish attempt to make one person’s life better. When you were in school, or you are in school, you were taught not to cheat off of another person’s test. The same philosophy can be applied here. The teachers didn’t necessary say that they didn’t want you to cheat because you would get a better grade. Most likely, they just wanted you to be honest. I know that RotMG is not real life, but you should act like it is. Would you cheat on a test in real life?

Yes, that is true. It is partly your fault for not paying attention. However, the person with Insta-trade is flouting the safety precautions that were put on trade so that scam’s wouldn’t happen. If they are purposely scamming people, then those who have been scammed are victims. You are saying that it is the victim’s fault for being scammed by a hacker. I can’t agree with you on that.

Yes, that is true. Auto-aim just aims at the monsters for you. It doesn’t nexus you, make you invincible, or anything that would affect others. Sure, it makes it harder for others to get Soulbound damage in, but that is the only thing. This is the least malicious hack that you have stated. However, it is still cheating, and as I said before, cheating is wrong. If I had to phrase it differently, I would say that you are challenging yourself by playing RotMG. By hacking, you are losing that challenge with yourself.

You shouldn’t have said this. You were doing okay until you said this. You have now lost any supporters you had. You’re telling me that I should leave the dungeon that I worked for, so that the hacker can do his own thing? Because that is exactly what you’re saying. Just leave if you are offended that someone is cheating and doing the wrong thing. Sorry, but no one is going to agree with you on that.

That’s it for today. Please try and understand that for all of us who have put lots of time and effort into this game, it is a sin to try and take a shortcut so you don’t have to work.

P.S. I’m not trying to flame you.


well no, it makes you need 0 reaction speed


Not very related, but I actually think auto-nexus is not that great. With pets, not many die from ‘slow deaths’ unless they’re super drunk [you Shatter], it’s usually the ‘one-hit’ wonders that do you in.

And auto-nexus doesn’t really help for big shotguns because well, even a reaction time of zero won’t save you. A human however, can predict if the shot will kill them, which IMO is better than auto-nexus.

But auto-nexus will save you from careless deaths, like Shatter’s priest on stream xD (I won’t stop making fun of you for that until you give me fri itenz)