Demgraphics poll


sooooo i was wondering what is the actual rotmg population

  • Girl
  • Boy

0 voters


  • asian
  • european
  • american
  • latino

0 voters


  • jewish
  • christian
  • hindu
  • muslim
  • flying spageti monster (atheists)

0 voters


wait leme add that


Ethnicities is kinda lacking in everything.

Try just asking which continent they’re from.


@moderators change ethnicities to continents i cant edit polls


They sadly can’t edit polls either :confused:


I refuse to answer as American.

[Redacted cuz slow]


more like canadian


Ofc, yes. Sorry. I am slow.


I think this reflects the forum lurkers more.

Also, look at all the girls we have in here


15 votes
13% girls
Someone here is 5% not-girl.
inb4 “not girl is boy” try…neither.


FYI “American” is not an ethnicity.


i was planning to change the enthinicity to which continent u live on but i cant edit polls 5 mins after i post only @moderators can


You should probably go ahead and make another poll to fix your problem, and I also recommend that you include an ‘other’ option in religion


Asian and European are very board terms, I would break these up for the next poll.

Middle Eastern, central Asian, east Asian, southeast Asian

for europe I would do Slavic and western spies. No really Do slavic, also british (including all peoples from the british isles)

Then latin= france italy spain portugal and romania.

Then germanic which would german, austria, beligum, netherlands and denmark

Then go Scandinavian. Of course, you will have to decide what to do about finnish and hungarian people as they are neither germanic or slavic.

Also you entirely skipped over a continent you know, Africa.

I think Africa should be defined as Below as north Africa and the rest of Africa. North Africa being the muslim arab, berber nations.

I like this category it lets me know who I can and cant not trust, no but yes it needs to be changed

The religions once just need to be throw and redone, I mean you do not even have some of the largest religions in the world like Buddhism or Confusicsm.

Then another because you can include all the countless religions in the world.


Actually 2 continents, Africa and Oceania


We are now at 3.9%. I proudly admit I identify as 10% cat.


So most of us forumers are secular, american males.


are we also going to include Narnia?


No, not Narnia. Talking animals and dwarfs take it a bit too far.


Narnia exists though, unlike australia.