Demonseye's giveaway!




I’m just going to put it here


Here’s the results for the contest !

3rd prize : A t12 staff
2nd prize : T6 Orb
1st prize : a skin OR a deca

Third prize !

Second priiiiiize !

1st prize !



I knew that darn Craftable was going to meddle with my master plan! /s


Hey can I get 4th place lol


@Wilhuff would be 4th.


At least yours made sense…


oh come now, I’m not that funny. I guess whenever you see me online I’ll grab the deca
I still never got my prize from the fellas who had a Tom and Jerry contest a while ago, but I don’t mind


:slight_smile: I guess I am 4th place in your book


Are you around rn?


Ngl, that is pretty insulting. You pinged me for this?

Also, back in my day, that meme was considered the pinnacle of funny memes.
@Demonseye I demand the respect that meme deserves!


Yes i’m playing rotmg with my […] necro


Recieved, thanks a bunch my friend. If you ever want another sick meme dont be afraid to ask


@demonseye I demand compensation!


here, have a personally tailored meme for free


Bruh i need the ring




I saw this meme on reddit, what a small world. Reddit users unite!


I just posted there for upboats, do not steel


new updoot button bad