Divine priest skin(name changed)


Divine priest skin

Description: I am a strong, benevolent, priest, but I am also very sad for this world. I’ve prayed to the lord several times, but my prayers have only been left unanswered… What is the reason for this, oh lord? Please, tell me what is it…
1 output_sHSiYu 2 output_UK3sPV
1 output_DeYTwB 2 output_2b8qbI

1 output_3FXwk1 2 output_3iAu9t
1 output_Vfie5d 2 output_50TCGJ

1 output_TcDSSM 2 output_CE3JyF
1 output_EThXyK 2 output_wFjb0X

  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Would you use skin 1?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Would you use skin 2?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If there’s something wrong with the skin, please say so! I would really appreciate criticism!


I don’t think many people would use a skin based off of a mental condition.

Apart from that, I guess the sprites and animations are alright, but it still looks slightly generic and sort of too “bouncy”, you catch my drift?


Thanos Priest


We ride at dawn bitches


I answered ‘no’ to wearing the skin simply because I only use the Nun skin, anything else is blasphemy.


Yeah, its not because you wouldnt wear it that it isnt good, you just have a better skin


Number 2’s front walking animation doesnt move the staff, however, the side animation moves it up and down, the back animation moves it side to side. It looks a bit off.


I feel like having the walking animations as 1 and attacking animations as 2 would be better (since the walking animations shouldn’t be excessive). Other than that it’s pretty original and I like it’s design. However not so much the theme.


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