Derpypers dies too much giveaway


Wow I thought I was gonna live for longer.

Well I keep my word. But exactly how I said it. I’m giving away 6 life and a UBHP to somebody who responds to this post. Winner will be announced by the end of Saturday, March 9th by random draw.

(Next giveaway will be when I die on another 8/8 character)




A giveaway? Schweet. Wil, I’m definitely getting this, not you. :sunglasses:


Given my luck with giveaways that use rng, that is unfortunately true.


Thanks in advance for the money : )


dddddd yes






kkk yes ! :smiley:


yes pls


Yoink mine


Duck would enjoy more items to add to duck’s collection.


just git gud /s


Well, I don’t want ur items, but it would cover my teams cost to enter the ppe contest, so ill go ahead and go for it I guess.


Gimme your money.




Gimme laife pls


gib me a ubhp papi




I want to say something to that guy who said ‘git good’ but its gonna be flagged omega lul