Descendant of Aether - Paladin ST Set

So, since DECA is fine with replacing old ST Sets and making new ones, I thought I’d continue my spree of posting ST Sets on here.
yes i’m aware it isn’t actually a spree

Descendant of Aether


Angelic Gladius
ST - Descendant of Aether Set

Shining with triumph and armed with the most holy of wings; its reach may be short, but its mighty point is what truly stings.

Damage: 225 - 255
Range: 2.75
Shot Speed: 10
Ignores defense of target
On Equip:
+3 Wisdom
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 875

Although it’s obviously not the greatest sword, its ability to ignore defense - mixed with its damage being just a bit below the higher tiered swords - makes it usable for high defense enemies. Its only real drawback is its lack of range, though it isn’t a major issue in the grand scheme of things if you’re careful.

Relic of High Faith
ST - Descendant of Aether Set

A blessing from the heavens above in a medallion’s form; those who are chosen it does protect, but those deemed unholy it scorns.

Party Effect:
Protected for 3 Seconds in 3 Squares (Immune to Negative Conditions)
+90 Maximum HP for 4.5 Seconds in 4.5 Squares
Healing for 4.5 Seconds in 4.5 Squares
Enemy Effect:
Exposed for 3 Seconds
On Equip:
+60 Maximum HP
MP Cost: 125
Fame Bonus: 6%
Cooldown: 7.5 Seconds
Feed Power: 950

While it may seem overpowered at first glance, there are measures added in to prevent it from being ridiculously powerful. Its biggest strength is, of course, Protected, which grants total immunity to negative conditions for everyone who’s affected. When used in the right situations, it can make anything a lot more safe. However, even with the Exposed that it inflicts, the lack of Damaging can make it bad for groups without anyone to give these effects. In the end, this seal is made for group safety more than offensive play, and its long cooldown makes it hard to abuse.

Archangel’s Chestplate
ST - Descendant of Aether Set

Protective armor made from the sky, fitted with holy power; those who wear it are forever blessed, and evil who gaze upon it cower.

On Equip:
+17 Defense
+5 Dexterity
+3 Wisdom
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 800

Not the most noteworthy armor, but one worth mentioning regardless. Its Dexterity bonus is higher than Fire Dragon’s Attack bonus while keeping the same amount of Defense, and trading out its 3 Speed and Vitality with 3 Wisdom. It’s most effective on Paladin, but finds a nice use in both Warrior and Knight, since the both of them have low Dexterity all things considered.

Wings of Renewal
ST - Descendant of Aether Set

A set of holy wings, woven from the heaven’s clouds and wind; its grace purifies all who touch it, even those who’ve sinned.

On Equip:
+115 Maximum HP
+6 Wisdom
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 725

A simple but effective accessory. It provides very nice HP while also providing very nice Wisdom, making it usable by any class, but especially any class that has Wis Mod. Also, they’re wings. Come on.

Descendant of Aether Set Bonus

Bonus for 2 Items Equipped:
+75 Maximum MP
+3 Wisdom
Bonus for 3 Items Equipped:
+5 Dexterity
+3 Defense
+5 Wisdom
Bonus for 4 Items Equipped:
+75 Maximum HP
+5 Defense
+5 Speed

+75 Maximum HP
+75 Maximum MP
+8 Defense
+5 Speed
+5 Dexterity
+8 Wisdom

Full Set Bonus
+250 Maximum HP
+25 Defense
+5 Speed
+10 Dexterity
+20 Wisdom

Before you ask, yes I’m aware the concept of the Sword is the same as Oryx’s Greatsword, but let’s be honest. That sword isn’t good. Other than that, hope you enjoyed, and I’d love to hear thoughts!

The General Chat Thread

The ring is basically a worse cult ring? You could replace dex with atk for Armor since it’s a pally ST set


Bloodshed is a worse Pyra. What’s your point?

Paladin’s Max Attack: 50
Paladin’s Max Dexterity: 45


So it’s a worse version of a worse version of another ring???


Also consider that it:

  • wouldn’t be as rare as other rings
  • is an st ring


Though I can’t speak for most players, I’d rather wear a resu


It’s an OP armor, so I can’t say I’m surprised.




The long cooldown is because it’d be easy to permanently keep it up with pets or magic potions being a thing, even if the effect itself isn’t super broken.


How about while it is in effect, mp healing is disabled?


That’d harm people with no pets quite a bit, while basically having no repercussions for people with them. Adding a cooldown is fair ground for everyone.


Let’s be honest, this will probably drop From what, MBC?


…No? It’d drop from somewhere with fairly high difficulty(or “difficulty”), but not at all near Lost Halls levels.


Someone would do this without a pet? Also as you stated, MP pots


People do Lost Halls without pets all the time, so I’m sure that doing dungeons of much less difficulty is far from being out of the question.

As for magic potions, those are accessible to everyone, therefor not being added into the equation.

It feels like you’re being less critical and more nit-picky.


So… adding a unique effect is a bad thing because people don’t play the game legitimately?

ok buddy.


Not a problem of the item, but of the players.

Look, do you have anything really worth mentioning? If not I’ll just call Shatter or someone else to sweep up all the unneeded replies.


Sorry I was being so hyper critical, I’m just extremely jet lagged and sleepy
So I have an idea, what if the seal gets buffed in “demonic” dungeons like mt and Abby?


Too gimmicky and specific to be noteworthy.


You just described most ST sets :smiley: