Diamondest's overly lame ppe


Near the college or not?


Moderately near. Not comfortable with sharing specifics. I have nothing against you, just slightly tramautized from a close call from an online stalker when I was eight.


Ah alright

I live an hour of biking away xd

Well, one day, although unlikely, if you ever want to meet up, I’ll be happy to do so, biking an hour.
Was the Stalker GGAOd or something? xd

Whoops sorry I probrably sound like a stalker dont I?
Fuck no i dont wanna meet


No. It was my friend on an alt :stuck_out_tongue: still creeped out tho, he acted like a 30 year old man.


Wait so he reversed you?
Instead of pretending to be young, he pretended to be old, and revealed his youth?


whoa i also live near there


Which city, if I may ask?




I used to live there, but my mom thought fremont high school had too much of an emphasis on atheletics so im in nerdville rn.


i don’t go to fremont, or any fremont school district for that matter. also my soccer team is based in saratoga


k noice


6’2 at 16
Im about 12 miles north of Boston, MA


at least you can’t stalk me




nice ppe conversation yall having here


public personal exchange? Hell yeah!

@Laserquest i live like under 4 minutes away…

Whats your grade level?


high iq


high school


Quick little recap:

And I went on to 4k base and I maxed life
(All challenger btw)
I played very little, thus I did not compete for the leaderboards.


Please… this is a welcome gesture, but give me cult robe pls…