Different Mythical Races


Hello Everyone! In many RPGs the player is not only allowed to choose their class, but also their race. I had an idea to implement this into RotMG to allow for greater variety when creating characters.

I have 6 different races so far, each with their own pros and cons.

Grove Elf
The Renounced

Details can be found in the link bellow:

Feedback and criticism is more than welcome!


Also in many RPGs the player is not only allowed to choose their race, but also has access to all races from the beginning.

Edit: Do the races affect character skins too? Will the snowman be black with white eyes if you choose “The Renounced” race?


Is snowman a race?


I’m not sure if the races should effect skins, but I think it would be best if they didn’t. If only because it would be a lot of work to rework every skin to fit with different races.


No you silly, it’s obviously a human covered in snow.

Slime, on the other hand, is totally a race.


I’d be all for this…
But you added bonuses that affect the player at 8/8. I mean, if you added some stat bonuses that make it easier to max certain classes (you start out with extra Def and Vit on a Kyrion Knight, so you need less to max, or you start out with extra Dex and Spd on a Grove Elf Rogue, etc.) it’d be pretty nice. But, I’m not sure how I feel about this.

Again, this idea isn’t bad, but it’s not my favorite, either. I’d rate this 5/10, as it’s pretty nice, but just a bit short of being a good idea.


Seeing how most developers these days bow their head at all things PC - if they don’t implement something like this that lets me choose my own race & gender & fluidity & perfect ability, with my own +stat choices then the game is bigoted and probably a trump supporter.


that’s a major issue because many skins already have “race” in them. in fact, character skins basically are your race at this point. I mean look at these:

and that’s just a handful. not even counting the accompanying benefits and whether or not they’re balanced, this game is pretty much incompatible with race inclusion.mostly because it’s already there, and purely aesthetic.


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