Discobot Roleplay (Main adventure)


Hello all, your town of RNGville was completely destroyed by pirates sent from Oryx, that is, with the exception of your small group.

Now you quest to end his tyranny!!!

This is a much more organized version of the original Discobot Roleplay

Same as the original with the exception of…
There will be main quests you try to complete
A d20 will ALWAYS be rolled unless stated otherwise
There will be turns, each player can have up to 2 actions per turn (accompanied with a d20 roll), a dungeon master will then decide the results of each roll and say the monsters actions
Only 14 people will be able to join this first round and will start with T0 T0 T1 T0 as well as a selected class, amounts will vary for other rounds, for this round you enter by choosing an unselected class, round will begin in either 2 days from now or when all 14 spots are taken
Those not playing (including booted or dead) will have to speak with italics
You will get booted if you do not reply for 24 hours (you will be given a warning)
when you are done (have taken as many actions as needed, up to 2) say turn end
You do not have to take any actions, if you don’t you will regenerate based on vitality and wisdom
Consumables can be used without taking actions
Pets can be found out of combat and tamed (as well as trained with chosen moves, up to 3, notice heal mheal electric is not going to be the perfect pet in this game as heal and mheal aren’t as good as max vit and wis (except for maybe classes with very little)

As many dungeon masters as needed will be recruited

People who have joined so far
1: Idragonet Sorcerer
2: AKLDragon Assassin
3: CandyShi Paladin
4: Hime Knight
5: Mynamerr Warrior
6: Glawi Huntress
7: BrandonCao Archer
8: GGaodzilla Ninja
9: GBSlayer Rogue
10: EpicNecros Necromancer
11: Orsome Trickster
12: TROLLDLLR Priest
13: Panytnaa Wizard
14: Nobody Mystic (had I not been DM this would have been me)


I didn’t read anything
Sign me up

Btw Sorc


You need to select a class
This also is much more organized then normal discobot roleplay and you may want to read the rules

I will list all joining people so far in an hour or so as to not wast all my edits (or if at least 5 people join)


I’ll be an assassin
hope this goes better than the last one (cough cough @TR0LLDLLR cough)


We should rename this thread to Dungeons and Realm


Don’t worry, some of the stated rules counteract possible chaos




Also if I like your post that means I have seen your entry and you have successfully entered


crap we’ve all messed up so far
(@discobot roll 1d20 )


:game_die: 18


Will I break the rng?
@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: My sources say no




Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


Ur post is invalidated by the fact u did not roll a d20
@discobot fortune
will candy break rng?

@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 4


@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: Yes


I’ll try. Can I be lel xd ppe knight?


In a way, we all are ppes btw lel xd