Discobot Roleplay (Main adventure)


(Haha, i stole the roll candyshi needs)
(Sorry candyshi)
Wow, 19 added to my t2 wis ring is really good
I go and stab his other leg with my dagger
@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 10


And I go escape
@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 17


Back into the shadows…


@discobot roll 2d20


:game_die: 13, 14


welp I’m dead.

See you guys on the other side


Troll healed you, you should heal yourself too for a chance.


@discobot roll 3d20 HEEAAL. last roll is for a manual rest


:game_die: 20, 11, 1




I double heal @Candyshi. @discobot roll 2d20


:game_die: 2, 10


I’m afraid you already did


nameness pays attention O_O


I scepter dreadstump

@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 19


remember the last time you did a scepter?


we don’t talk about those times